The mummies are still there with jewelry. If you ever would understand God, your brain would burn out! Certainly they had and have an empire of the mind comprising mythology, law, custom, epic songs and poems, art, and a shared canon of oral literature. At the height of its power, the Roman Empire ruled over a huge chunk of land, and all the present-day Mediterranean countries were part of ancient Rome. It was linked by the Grand Canal to Beijing during the Sui dynasty. Our Astrologer until than had claimed them to be rocky, or gaseous. So there! The resultant velocity can be found using the Pythagorean theorem. Known locally as the Silver (or Black) Dragon, the wave sweeps past Hangzhou, menacing shipping in the harbor. The river and Hangzhou Bay are known for the world's largest tidal bore. They were master conservationists and environmentalists, leaving the Earth pristine as they lived through scores of thousands of years. Roman civilization emerged around the sixth century BC. But Im from the Americas and realize from these conversations that, of course, there is a lot more DNA/genome evidence from other cultures/civilizations from other continents that are much older. (P.S. [23] During the Song and earlier periods, barge ships occasionally crashed and wrecked along the Shanyang Yundao section of the Grand Canal while passing the double slipways, and more often than not those were then robbed of the tax grain by local bandits. The perineurium surrounds and holds together each fascicle. [33] Even the shipwrecked Korean Choe Bu (14541504)while traveling for five months throughout China in 1488acknowledged that Hangzhou served not as a competitor but as an economic feeder into the greater Suzhou market. documented pre history dating well before the Civil arrived and Land Ethics became a religion. In my opinion you can barely call it ancient. But in all it is best to remember that the study of history has only one real purpose and that is to learn from our past mistakes and grow together towards a brighter future. The Huitong Canal, built by an engineer called Ma Zhizhen, ran across sharply sloping ground and the high concentration of locks gave it the nicknames chahe or zhahe, i.e. The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol II Electromagnetism and Matter. Check out the creation mythology of the muscogee from north America they had one god ,also had a horned serpent,an underworld of chaos,there was a flooded earth in the was created from a clay mound, the first two native American creek were lucky hunter and corn woman.. 2nd all south indian languages has come from tamil is like all indian languages has emerged from hindi. No doubt, the same wasnt done at other sites. It was somewhere around 8000 BC that people developed the idea of agriculture and slowly started to domesticate animals for both food and to assist in farming. We are one of the oldest ones in the world aswell. It is these people who spread across the globe and created the human population that exists today. Not a Being, it, or he/she. Local governments remained in place and were forced to pay varying amounts of tribute to the Triple Alliance. Ethiopians have their own calander and strong culture. In Example 2, the current velocity was much greater - 7 m/s - yet the time to cross the river remained unchanged. During wartime, the high dikes of the Yellow River were sometimes deliberately broken in order to flood and thus sweep away advancing enemy troops. It ran for 75 kilometers (47mi) from Nanyang (now Nanyang Town, located in the center of Weishan Lake) to the small settlement of Liucheng (in the vicinity of modern Gaolou Village, Weishan County, Shandong) north of Xuzhou City. There is no family of our Nation with Indus and nowday Sanskrit users, exept ewolved sanskrit alfabet of our brother coutrys. Overlooking the Paran River from Encarnacin, Paraguay, across the river, is downtown Posadas, Argentina. As you go back in time, the evidence would be more likely to be destroyed. Continuing on from that, where is the aboriginal art comparable to Picasso, Rembrandt etc of the European Middle Ages? Related Papers. And the Religions? Construction on the Eastern Route officially began on December 27, 2002, and water was supposed to reach Tianjin by 2012. where is india? Man o man.that one made me smile, just like the Armenians are conveniently forgotten, The Iranian people, and I mean all the Iranian people (Persians, Kurds, Lors, Laks, and many more), are always forgotten along with the many achievements that we enjoy even in modern day. el perra n la muerte. Motor nerves are those nerves those that carry the messages in the form of a response from the brain or the spinal cord to other parts of the body such as the muscles and glands. (nothing new or empirical), Lemuria had been setting up best ancient cultural and human lived in humanity, but this time did not researched some place, in my ancient south and west india, the kumarikandam is also know us but not proper handled this area, reason for multicultral languages and political unstability, the govt has not interested for this, the govt told that mahabharathm, ramayanam, but not researched, Tamil and sanskrit is keeping for best pronunciation and grammatical, scientific and medical, teached in humanity and logical and ethical factors but peoples like for business languages is learning for only self benefit. a. I came from country, where we speak what you call SANSKRIT, but Sanskrit is our old alfabet only, and not a language. A wide network of nerves is spread throughout our body, which also runs through the brain, the spinal cord and many organs. I think he didnt Read About Tamil Civilization. who are they? There is one very old book which American and English people try to DECODE, but what i found that the language is not dead yet, it jus t evolved a lit, and i can reed that book easy. Still claiming that Mesopotamia was the first? Some people takes certain sacred books as written by God himself. there must be evidence to proof that they existed, as you guy said they build temple and stuff, there must be some ruin hidden somewhere to prove this is real, so find the evidence and everyone around the world believe u, not being jealous here but just a lover to all the history and wont entertained people who talks about one ancient civilization but without hard evidence, Dwaraka might just be myth legend to me and might be real. Asoka Dias Weerasingha. When the canal was completed it linked the systems of the Qiantang River, the Yangtze River, the Huai River, the Yellow River, the Wei River, and the Hai River. Life is very beautiful to love and live it but we all losing the same. Homo sapiens sapiens (modern man) exist more than 30,000(?) Should 3 m/s (the current velocity), 4 m/s (the boat velocity), or 5 m/s (the resultant velocity) be used as the average speed value for covering the 80 meters? An important commercial artery, it runs for 459 kilometers (285mi) through Zhejiang, passing through the provincial capital Hangzhou before flowing into the East China Sea via Hangzhou Bay south of Shanghai. Aksimentiev concluded: "Supercomputers are a unique tool that let you see what individual atoms are doing. Still I think u have missed to mention Mehrgarh Civilization , was about 7000 BC. Also other various other civilizations scattered throughout history. Civilisation is just an extension of a city. hello, what about india ? If it was an article about contributions to civilzation you might have a point. Just think about that for a while! Yes Egypt is in Africa, but the majority of black skinned people remained largely sub-Saharan to the south and west. It seems to me from what Ive read here, that people are mixing up civilisations and cultures, myth and legend, and criss-crossing thousands of years. ), All tribes have very similar laws as to their location. I do not think 8000 years ago or even 10,000 years ago was the first homids. Ever interesting, You have tried to covered number of arrears But how can we believe this some are very complicated and different from the others which I have red and heard. If there were not Greeks and everything they accomplished people wouldnt be where they are now and we wouldnt have this conversation here. For instance, Chinese Civilization of the Yellow river came before the Mayans. As the north shore of the Yangtze gradually silted up to create the sandbank island of Guazhou, it became necessary for boats crossing to and from the Jiangnan Canal to sail the long way around the eastern edge of that island. Its ranges between 32000-100000 years old. They originally are more of direct decedents of essentially south asians. Why? This civilization was even famous in the Bible. It requires 20 s for the boat to travel across the river. We are all related to some extent, all people, and as people, as carriers of life, with all other living things. This kingdom has been regarded as the first Nubian state, and its capital, Kerma, is today an important archaeological site. R u now the meaning of CIVILIZATION?? All languages are regarded as having descended from this tongue. Also, when we continue to promote our own uncertain and sometimes misguided views about something that we know nothing about then we muddy the waters. [10] In addition, the annual runoff of the Qiantang River and its tributaries showed significant changes in abundance and drought. flute from near Wuyang in Henan Province, made from a birds (Cranes) wing bone, 20cm in length, with 7 finger holes and an (8th) embouchure/blowhole, upon which a contemporary tune was be played, in 1987, in the key of A. In the 1950s a new canal was dug to the south of the old summit section. Also known as the oldest civilisation i the world. I know its hard to believe, knowing how man has proven to be throughout preserved history. Its original name, the "Zhe River" or "Zhe Jiang", is the origin of the name of Zhejiang province. Read greek histrian Herodotus and homer. The 1988 record was 1.9km by Stuart Matthews. The Parana River delta ranks as one of the world's greatest bird-watching destinations.[9]. and so called epics such as mahabharat nd ramayana claim to have been existed atleast 8000 years back in a time when stone was just discovered as tool these people claimed to have been using bows and arrows and shields in war. Now what would the resulting velocity of the plane be? [34], Besides its function as a grain shipment route and major vein of river-borne indigenous trade in China, the Grand Canal had long been a government-operated courier route as well. Lets go about 7 or 8 thousand years earlier.. Everything on this article is said so matter-of-factly. They never put one stone on another to make a dwelling. I dont care anyway however the facts still facts. A city is an organized society of people working in a well-mannered fashion. The discovery is the earliest evidence of bread making in the world. DHARMIL SONI You are right with the Indian Civilization being one of the oldest one. Most of these ancient civilizations are built on top of what appears to be older and more sophisticated civilizations. You forgot about The Cucuteni culture: a bit older older than sumerian. Yes, they conquered Egypt but they should not be included as part of the ancient Egyptians civilization. Jericho in modern Israel may be the worlds oldest city, which may date back to 12,000 years ago, or 10,000 B.C.E. As for Mesopotamia location is concerned, Zagros mountain is in current Iran. Nomads can be civil but I dont think that they can be said to create a civilisation. Example: A plane is travelling at velocity 100 km/hr, in the southward direction.It encounters wind travelling in the west direction at a rate of 25 km/hr. ), It is only inbreeding with Europeans that gives them some intelligence. Civilization Name: Roman civilizationPeriod: 550 BC465 ADOriginal Location: Village of the LatiniCurrent Location: RomeMajor Highlights: Most powerful ancient civilization. I am not going to bring religion into this and just state wat science says. Tectonic plates movement is irrelevant here, Pangea existed 175 million years ago. I read your articles dear friend, I am an Iranian culture and civilization of my country one of the oldest civilizations Is that mankind has ever seen The results are in Mesopotamia in Iraq that is today part of the culture and civilization of my country. So far the click languages, particularly that of the San, are regarded as the most ancient. 320000000 years old Dwaraka city just a hypothesis. Its also believed the Vishnus fish incarnation has performed in this city. From the Yuan Dynasty (12711368) to the Qing Dynasty (16441912), the Eastern Zhejiang Canal lost its privilege but remained navigable. These are the sensory nerves, motor nerves and mixed nerves. And that hypothesis is currently sitting a few miles off the coast of Dwarka, Goa with a small part of the city above the water and have become Pilgrim site for the past 2,000 years. The creation of this earth through science and hindu matches. Click Start Quiz to begin! The Yacyret Dam and the Itaipu Dam on the Paraguay border have made the small, largely undeveloped nation of Paraguay the world's largest exporter of hydroelectric power. Make an attempt to answer the three questions and then click the button to check your answer. Galileo (1564 1642) on house arrest for saying the Earth revolved around the Sun and not the other way around (another fact not mentioned in the Bible). Mind you, who knows how long after their existance, that the calendar even appeared. According to information gathered by me so far, the aborigines who lived here have moved onto agriculture as far back as 20000 years. [22] Qiantang river bridge is 1453 meters long, 9.1 meters wide and 71 meters high. There is a pretty astonishing Aboriginal cathedral carved out of stone over the millennia and decorated with rock art, but I put this more of a par with the decorated cathedral caves of ice age France. [17], The Qiantang River basin is rich in ecosystem types. In autumn, due to the strong tide, the main trough oscillates along the direction of the rising tide crest. There is something in the other civilizations of some kind of selfishness. As applied to riverboat problems, this would mean that an across-the-river variable would be independent of (i.e., not be affected by) a downstream variable. [b]They found that the Armenians are a mix of ancient populations [/b] whose descendants now live in Sardinia, Central Asia and several other regions. [24] This prompted Qiao Weiyue, an Assistant Commissioner of Transport for Huainan, to invent a double-gate system known as the pound lock in the year 984. All religious texts in this world are derived from them and they had a civilization we cannot even today equal, for very obvious reasons, which will be explained in my upcoming website soon. If the width of the river is 120 meters wide, then how much time does it take the boat to travel shore to shore? The river current influences the motion of the boat and carries it downstream. Some of them could have taken hundreds of years to perfect. This indicates more than a certain level of musical sophistication, in that a sense of intonation or temperament and certainly a musical octave had already been established, which seems somewhat civilised. Societies and civilizations are different things. Looks like you forgot about the Phoenician civilisation. Indus Valley civilisation is majority in Present day Pakistan (also in North Eastern Afghanistan, North west India, Eastern Iran). If possible come down to Sri Lanka. Many Vedic Knowledge coinsides with the natural scientific discoveries or redivories of modern time. All societies and all humans wage war this is based off what we actually know (which is still very little considering the thousands of years weve been around so much history [written, verbal, art, etc.] Absolutely. If that were the case, than this article should not be named The 10 Oldest Ancient Civilizations That Have Ever Existed, it should be renamed as The 10 ancient civilizations I chose to write about.. Its better to call it a hypothesis than just guess work, for the simple fact that history has been put back together through heavy research.most civilizations that began to write recorded there history and when archaeologists go to these said places thats been written about the things that they dig up lines up with the history that has been written most of the time.history has became more of a lie once the renaissance and the colonization periods came about.a lot of deceitful tactics for power came into during this time period.recorded history is accurate to the point that.during the dark ages Europe pretty much lost a lot of their culture and the land mass was recivilized when the Moors reached Europethe Moors (most scholars believe Arabian origins because many were Mohammedans) were in fact the custodians of Greek culture and retaught Greece their history.look these things up! [25] This allowed ships to wait within a gated space while the water could be drained to appropriate levels; the Chinese also built roofed hangars over the space to add further protection for the ships. Science says that we evolved from other species, Apes. BUT do I believe that this planet is as young as many says? b. what distance downstream would the boat travel during this time? It is also important to note, aboriginals were the first out of Africa migration, or correctly the only surviving one, as humans were largely wiped out (middle east/ India subcontinent, East Asia to a fraction of the population by an unknown event and so rebooted out of Africa migration for several thousands of years. In ancient Hangzhou, Phoenix mountain, Jianggan area were the best place to watch. This angle can be determined using a trigonometric function as shown below. Regarding Australian Aboriginals, yeah they are very old. [1] Starting in Beijing, it passes through Tianjin and the provinces of Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang to the city of Hangzhou, linking the Yellow River and Yangtze River. I am confused about why people keep talking so much about archeology as proof. 'the river of locks'. Did your Bible mentioned how long Adam and Eve lived on Eden (between the time the Earth was created to the point the couple was exiled)? Questions? struggle, not impossible. (Because they lived peacefully and felt no need to impede on others whom had every right to exist sovereignly as they did. In the season of abundant runoff, the main trough swings along the direction of ebb tide. The second and third of these questions can be answered using the average speed equation (and a lot of logic). If a flood happened like the Bible says, then they are even much older than the calendar date. A mixed nerve is a type of nerve that performs the action of sensory nerves as well as the motor nerves. [12], The Grand Canal at this time was not a continuous, man-made canal, but a collection of often noncontiguous artificial channels and either canalized or natural rivers. Some things may have developed earlier, but as in all endeavours, be it philosophy, science, art, mathematics, everything is built on the shoulders of those who came before. A magistrate of Jining, Shandong sent a memorandum to the throne of the Yongle Emperor protesting the current inefficient means of transporting 4,000,000 dan (428,000,000 liters) of grain a year by means of transferring it along several different rivers and canals in barge types that went from deep to shallow after the Huai River, and then transferred back onto deep barges once the shipment of grain reached the Yellow River. All those names probably originate from the Old Yue language of extinct Baiyue peoples. and Again it flourished in a better condition. It might be argued that building your houses in a continuous stone or brick defensive ring around the outside and smelting your bronze in the safety of the middle per Jericho and Sintashta is a part of civitas, but it hasnt been yet on this web page. They are too many places in iran .syria and turkey that dates back to more than 10000 yrs ago .so civilisation dznt mean just being old by age. Not only do you not understand how to spell tectonic you also dont know the basic plate configuration which can easily be found with a Google search. In 1566, to escape the problems caused by flooding of the Yellow River around Yutai (now on the western shore of Weishan Lake), the Nanyang New Canal was opened. What about the Khoisan (foraging San/ Pastoral Khoi) of the Kalahari? It is what makes up todays societies; and we call ourselves developed? It was the Mesopotamian civilization that refined this, adding to and formalizing all these systems, and combining them to create the first civilization. When first constructed, the canal served as a major source of transportation, linking northern and southern China. Its thought that they lived over half a million years ago. [citation needed], In 1488, the shipwrecked Korean scholar Choe Bu traveled the entire length of the Grand Canal on his way from Zhejiang to Beijing (and on to Korea) and left a detailed account of his trip. And then everyone becomes blind to any truth that we might glean from any sensible discussion. They carry information from the PNS to the CNS( Central Nervous System). The course is formed at the confluence of the Paranaiba and Rio Grande rivers in southern Brazil. Also people settled in Africa and Australia before that. Hieroglyphics do show individuals of black skin colour but was differentiated as Nubian, whilst they showed themselves copper-skinned, and Nubians only part of Egypt under Ramses to a more multicultural society. He ordered a canal to be constructed for trading purposes, as well as a means to ship ample supplies north in case his forces should engage the northern states of Song and Lu. Matteo Ricci's Journals describes the canal in great detail documenting the economic prosperity. Because even words all around the world vocabulary are based in greek. At this stage and on this platform, our words so to say conduct, really speaks how civilized we are. We are all Gods children, whether you are from India, Africa, Europe, North/South America, etc, and we will all pass on some day. [citation needed], The scholar Gu Yanwu of the early Qing dynasty (16441912) estimated that the previous Ming dynasty had to employ 47,004 full-time laborers recruited by the lijia corve system in order to maintain the entire canal system. If you actually do some research you will see the presence of africans around the globe. The ancient Egyptian civilization, a majestic civilization from the banks of the Nile, is known for its prodigious culture, its pharaohs, the enduring pyramids, and the Sphinx. Look into these things for yourself and you will see that I do not exaggerate not one time. The river is 80-meters wide. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the need for economic development led the authorities to order heavy reconstruction work. Yes, The oldest civilization was in Zagros mountain, which is located in current Iran and Iraq in Persian Plateau, Not Arabian Plateau. Lets keep it real. 26 May. Liars by nature and living of their lies. 1. In 2012 of these counts ended and a new one started. The evidence suggests there have been three distinct migration routes of humans into Australia from the north. They Talk about the 9 planet with Astrology has recently found. City is an evidence for existence of civilisation.. And what about Danube river valley civilization? Even after Cyrus death, his descendants continued this ruthless expansion and even fought in the now legendary battle with the brave Spartans. Humans originated from the great continent of Africa and drifted gradually over the years. Sumer is a area of the Mesopotamia Region. really the early mayan civilization (pre classic) range from 1800 bce-250ce before classic mayan culture emerged. Most of the persecution from the church were for political reasons, just so you know, not theological reasons. and still going strong, based upon real material objects, rather than pink unicorns and sky fairies? If more people could communicate more clearly this way, there would be less INCIVILITY in comments online! We can say the first organic elements, or the single-celled organism started first. c. The distance traveled downstream is d = v t = (2.5 m/s) (16.0 s) = 40 m. 4. Yes, 85,000 years ago when there were NO Homo Sapiens, that is when you say you had civilizations. These impulses are carried by the individual neurons that make up the nerve. Mouth watering well spoken they can all say they are this and that Africa is original and its where their ancestors came from and civilisation. A lot of these modern civilizations stole to get what they needed and wanted anyway. It is thought they migrated through Horn of Africa and Yemen. Gobekli Teppi is the oldest discovered civilization now. The smartest folks admit how little they know. Yet- this type of thinking dominates the western mind. It is true that Old Egypt started further south (along the Blue Nile) toward Sudan and lower regions. In 2021 a drought hit the river causing a 77-year low. The Sun radiates this energy mainly as light, ultraviolet, and infrared radiation, and is the most important source of energy for life on Earth..
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