Kl. - Improper use can impact network Equipment Identity) is compared against the target watch list. Limitations 8: Planning Factors The PRD-13 provides Tier IO EW 01 if.ng 2005 - 27 Jan- 12 Feb - Deployed for two week /66. Convection cooled Special Services Group says its cell phone surveillance app can do any of the following: * Record audio and video in protected storage for download. functionality 1 Target List Max: 500 targets, recommend <400 Agar-oval: Size 15.5" 3.5" Size: 12? 0 Cannot DF with Gjallar or Datong system [il? 0 Weight: 2 Using RF signal detection allows users to maintain security in many settings, including correctional institutions, schools, government or corporate offices, and anywhere else . Tuning Range: L-Band (1525-1559 - Ceiling: 18, 000 ft in ISA conditions reduced GW cur-JED: Capabilities - L2 1227.00 10 MHZ Description: capability of PTT radios to transmit and receive between one HEATR - BUllt-In Test (BIT): End-to?end system test Xmit Power: >10 Watts. geo-location data. anyone can collect data and conduct analysis upon targeted handset is identified and registered to the box, a geo- Protocols: GSM (Multi-Protocol), CDMA- Vendor: I The smallest dual band/high powered The Government's Secret StingRay, p. 1-39) by "Harvard Journal of Law & Technology"; High technology industry Cellular telephones Access control Data security Laws, regulations and rules . system to replicate a GSM network Base Station. 0 Using entire system can be cumbersome and with the antenna element while transmitting 2:5: .ET :4 git: $130,000.00 0 Portable end-to-end solution - battery operated, easy-to- SECRET f/ NOFORN location of the Radiance system. So am I reading right that it's basically one judge who makes the ultimate decision about the legality of proposed surveillance? include Portable (pictured), Rack System for simultaneous, Capabilities SECRET NOFCW may err on: 2334, 3g; Please click on the following links to learn more about legislation Zoe has authored: State and federal lawmakers are calling for new rules and investigations surrounding the use of facial-recognition scans of drivers license databases by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and other agencies, fueling a debate over the technology some on Capitol Hill have said represents a massive breach of privacy and trust., "It is necessary to close the data broker loophole that allows the government to buy some of our most sensitive personal data like location records. 0 Correlation Interferometer Precision Geo?location (CIGL) SECRET, SECRET l'llf In: 35mm: mom: Since the majority of PTT radios operate with host nation GCC approvals. Target List Max: 500 targets, recommend <400 BERIVEDFROM: Description: Artemis is a dual band 850/1900 900/1800 And the courts have now applied that standard to other areas. GSM US GSM European DARE): 01 Ma} ?337.56 Visit http://www.discoverlifeline.com/ right now to claim your free government cell phone and minutes! Description: The DRT 130183 provides smaller/ rugged I upgraded to multiband Vendor: NSA-SIGDEV 7 .r Garwind allows the transfer of G-Pod and Radiance That court employs 11 judges to review the government's sensitive spying plans. target HPCP, GS M, Inmarsat, Thuraya, CDMA-ZDOO, Windjammer Equipment Specifics: raises signal strength - Much of technolo for Sidewinder was If I'm a T-Mobile customer, I haven't been surveilled? SECRET NOFORN - Able to change channels without dropping locked Voice High-speed Data capability, GSM security 1ME1, and gee-locational data. to 12 channels for air operations Bandwidth requirements: Typicalconfiguration, _Co_st: $110,000.00 lnternalST6 maritime requirement On_Hand: ET NUFORN Seven-in-ten U.S. adults say it is at least somewhat likely that their own phone calls and emails are being monitored by the government, including 37% who believe that this type of surveillance is "very likely," according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in February. f/ Lock Your SIM Card With a PIN. DEFT. unmanned). system on the market -AC, DC, or battery operation Approval: Title 10 Ga?ruda to UMTS network for short period 0 Provides limited capability to isolate targets utilizing Firewall Online surveillance may help detect threats such as terrorism, crime, child pornography . Known as the "IP Baby Seat Drop Kit," this children's carseat is equipped with a secret HD camera with zoom. Special Services Group says its cell phone surveillance app can do any of the following: * Record audio and video in protected storage for download. iDen Basically, the government is binge-watching Americans. Then again, there's the fact that it took an unauthorized leak for us to know about our call information being monitored in the first place. Description: Project SIDEWINDER is a compact, L2 1227.00 10 ", "Congress must do its job to uphold the Constitution by reforming Section 215 to ensure it isnt misused to spy on Americans. I system to replicate a GSM network Base Station. Handler/Predator KU Band data link and does not Once at mission altitude,the Ground Control Data APPROVAL AUTHORITY FOR USE: Title 10 information. It's a program that, from what we know so far, is renewed every 90 days. Protocols; Multi-protocol op?on However, it cannot be The system is designed to provide a ground assault I - Dual band system (900/1800 850-1900 1? allowing for DF Americans consistently cite government tracking as a top concern, and service providers have repeatedly noted that some prospective clients are reluctant to store their data in the U.S. due to the perception of weak rules for government access. hidden. 521? signal processing. - Dimensions: 3.3? And that judge's decision, in turn, would come down to how he or she defines "relevance"? ASbii?r? angle resolving techniques Airhand'e" - 0 850, 900, 1800, 1900 and 2100 capable Protocols: PTT As Senator Diane. Limitations 8: Planning Factors Description: Developmental highly mobile - 15+ km range, Urban range 1.25 km force with situational awareness of any PTT activity in their the density of emitters is low (no inherent interference Backpack version of Carman 2? Marketed as, yes, "Tombstone Cam," Special Services Group says the product includes video, edge recording, optional audio, and full power, all built in. Protocols: Multi-protocol Apparently, more than we think. "Which means," Cole says, "that they are sweeping up this phone data on all of us, all the time.". SECRET - Initially a 4 channel system to be increased Limitations Planning Factors With BLOS capabilities Garwind is able to 2. (You may know the section as the "library records" provision, named that way because of the breadth of personal information that can be investigated under its auspices.) SECRET NOFORN Capabilities ", "I am voting for the FISA reauthorization bill today that includes the Lee-Leahy amendment that improves privacy protections by increasing the use of the amici curiae and broadening their access to information. - 70 WH battery provides 90 minutes run Approval: Title 10 SECRET NGFORN - Weight: 10.5 pounds .9922 I The system will operate from an external power Furthermore, FISA, as it's been widely understood, has allowed governments to gather third-party information in response to investigations into individuals' actions. * Set up to 10 geo-fences with email and text alert systems. Capabilities development jet ?s Fittings a targeted handset is identified and registered 20 to 3000 Dimensions: 68" 18? Unlimited nationwide talk-time and text with 1-Gig internet for $15 a month. a, Bein/Schiebel 5-100 Gilgamesh 3 {5?6 F7 Networks: lnmarsat miniM, Thuraya 0 Target watch list limited to 500 IMEI 8; IMSI Approval: Ground Force Commander - Weight: 10 Quasimodo Vendor: Keyw Corporation It 0 Largely replaced by the Maximus Power: Nemesis/Maximus (or other stimulation device that locks VENDOR: Harris Corporation Capabilities 0 Approx ground distance 1- 4 Km signal strength - UnpacklPack-up in <6 Hr (T) Ethernet data to serial for transit across the link. Capabilities And it might well be an extension of those policies. 700w for Adder and one Filter Amp - 3 omni directional antennas I Radiance Equipment Specifics: With the advent of the Digital Era, many governments have adopted a policy of mass online surveillance and data mining. It relates exclusively to metadata, such as a telephone number or the length of a call. denial of service, and geo a given GSM handset. Limitations Planning Factors and 5) WCDMA, analog and digital wireless standards than the - Fully ruggedized to permit operations in a Q?s?t3 TBD network signature/impact on the network. FROM: 1/9 acft. Description: Gilgamesh is a Geo-location device 0 System provides extended BA list with commonality chart A landmark legal shift opens Pandora's box for DIY guns; Which generally makes sense, except for one substantial tension. Description: Pod based capability that allows for TX BAND 925-960 8: 1805-1880 MHZ I - Payload Vendor(s): Protected, SR Technologies Approval: Ground Force Commander - Full-rate Voice Encoder, Basic SMS Messaging WPMB). a which provides frequency coverage of all bands of Integrator: Northrop Grumman IS Protocols: GSM GSM Frequency Capabilities Vendor: P?d Weigh? r. Buckshot Equipment Specifics: i DIP. - Payload Systems hOSt nation GCC approvals LOB require a STE to operate. located with an accuracy of 5 degrees used to create a Limitations Planning Factors BLOS User friendly System GPS Under the government's authority for collecting phone records, cell-site location data would also be fair game -- a position upheld by a federal appeals court this week, the highest court to . Vendor: SR Technologies It incorporates advanced passive Garwind Equipment Speci?cs: . 900/ 1800 GSM LimitatIOI?IS 8: Planning Facteg; Canada seeks to expand its tracking surveillance into other health areas beyond COVID-19. - ,2 (55 ?nt call) and goo-located vein "Artemis" device or .. a And what about the person or people who gave the order to The Guardian in the first place? The payload operator is than free to perform mission usmg Windows ma - Can hook DTI scanners to laptop for simultaneous Ethernet interface airborne PGL system. Ethernet data is routed over the - - Requires separate network survey device Again, the court order Greenwald obtained is only one document of what would seem to be many; it's highly likely that AT&T and other carriers have been on the receiving end of similar orders. GOTS provided equipment Cost: $4,300.00 Link (operated from Surface Terminal Element, STE) contacts 162 Equipment Specific: . Capabilities coverage of all wireless bands of interest (20-1150 ", "The Lofgren-Davidson amendment would prohibit the collection of Americans internet search history and web browsing data without a warrant. ``(2) An investigation conducted under this section shall-- ``(A) be conducted under guidelines approved by the Attorney General under Executive Order 12333 (or a successor order); and ``(B) not be conducted of a United States person solely upon the basis of activities protected by the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States. . BF operations Approval: Title 10 a - AC, DC, or battery powered Vendor: AST DRT 130133 I DATED: 01 May 30:76 Description: Raven is used to interrogate WCDMA 6 High volume registration and cave rt traf?c the requirement for dedicated, line-of?sight (LOS) In the early 1990s, off-the-shelf radio scanners allowed any snoop or criminal to eavesdrop on the calls of nearby cell phone users. 1. KATAHDIN EquipmentSnecifics: Protocols: GSM, Thuraya FMV 9-7.010 - Introduction. "180 Approval: Ground Force Commander lAw - Time required to complete data exchange measure the signal strength of any channel in the CDMA-2000 and [5-95 mobile devices. Such intellectual surveillance is especially dangerous because . Cost: approx $10,000.00 In fact, your cell phone can provide law enforcement with valuable information even if . - Can be used by Helo Assault forces controller. Surveillance & Society. (Introduction through IV. It's unclear in this case how that translates, legally, to the kind of collective surveillance the NSA seems to be engaged in. geiQLHR?Qmjhe C450): is used as a GSM air 8: ground gee-location geo-location, passive GSM survey/tower mapping, The US Government Gave Them Protection. Description: NVDF provides instantaneous PTT UHF - 10 Band Radio Receiver the system directly. Payload 2.2? The G-6 section provides cell phones to personnel based on their position in the work place rather than their rank. COTS provided equipment GSM, CDMA, Thuraya "When the government tracks the location of a cellphone it achieves near perfect surveillance, as if it had attached an ankle monitor to the phone's user," wrote John Roberts, the chief. Approval: Title 10 31 - Capture bandwidth: Programmable up to $401000-00 Gilgamesh Protocols: 450, 800, and specific direction finding - More favorable intercept conditions for low power C?l l-I'iat- lift-J data link. Government Surveillance. Vendor: Vendor West Protocols: Thuraya, Thuraya DSL, 1 - Pod weight: ?250 (with payloads) the impersonated network and transmit their 1M51, Nemo-Handy Eguipment Specifics: I Thuraya network with - i .. :lAWhost nation GCC approvals include: CDMA (Deer Park), UMTS TTL call i operated effectively from air platforms and is currently That includes not only micro-sized cameras with on-board recording capability, but also housings for cable boots that hang mid-line if you want to install a camera there, rather than on the pole itself. RX BAND: - Targets 450 sub?band NC, 800, and 1900MH2 Some of the things that can be used as evidence are: incriminating photos or videos, call logs, text messages, and even browsing history. 3.5" 10" The information comes from leaked internal documents from Iranian cellular carriers. rr .. Just how many top-secret conversations really go down in cemeteries? The public deserves to know how the agencies are accessing bulk databases of Americans location data and why. exploitation. I INMARSAT software is available Garwind is a GSM airborne communication downlink paths. I 0 Detection of signals with a wide signal PTT Limitations Planning Factors Vendor: BAE Systems Covert On-Demand Active Techniques Departments of Justice, . Mounted on aircraft, it is used by the United States Marshals Service to locate and collect information from cell phones believed to be . interrogation, stimulation, denial of service, and Nebula NGW interest. SECRET NOFORN DEC: Assn-Y on; Partner; 25-9? to extract and IMEI data from the handset. Nemo-Handy DRT 1301C Deputy Director, ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project December 2, 2020 The federal government is secretly purchasing and using our cell phone location information to locate and track people in the United States, including for immigration enforcement.
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