(I've been a professional pet groomer for almost 30 years, btw), I sincerely believe my Sheltie's cancer was caused by using a brand-name flea deterrent. The DE and the occasional bath really help him. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. Does Diatomaceous Earth Kill Fleas?#fleas #insects #diatomaceousearthBuy it here: http://amzn.to/2jRh8LyFood grade diatomaceous earth is a great natural alternative to chemical pesticides, especially when trying to get rid of fleas and ticks. How do I get my dog to drink more water so that she can pass her stool easier Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on July 26, 2017: Yes. Is it possible to just add the DE to their water fountains, that way they will all get it internally? To apply diatomaceous earth indoors sprinkle it under and around the base boards and other areas you saw insects. If they know and like DE, then they're going to know great remedies for Lyme disease prevention. As with any product, always check with your vet and also with any product - it's kind of like with people: sometimes you find things work really, really well and sometimeswell, they just don't. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on March 30, 2013: Michelle - no worries! This is a mechanical pest killer so it can be very effectively applied, just not on the living creatures you want to protect. Thanks for this article. Will diatomaceous earth kill ants? It was Food Grade and I did it as directed. The Difference Between DE and Bentonite Clay, Diatomaceous Earth: The Natural Cockroach Killer. Go to my profile and send me a private email. If ever I need to switch I'll remember DE. :), Thanks a lot! Diatomaceous earth is very hard and can quickly ruin a normal vacuum's filter. However, there is no research that suggests that diatomaceous earth is an better treatment for worms, in dogs or in other animals than commercial dewormers. But, it's safe stuff: once it's on fur or in the carpet or even EATEN (as a detox treatment), it's perfectly fine. How did you apply the DE to your pets? It is created by crushing up fossilized diatoms. :) I'm glad you enjoyed this article. Sometimes what appears to be mange can actually be something else. :), Ok ty for your response. Please help support our goal of 100K subscribers by subscribing : https://bit.ly/36yRQYJThey call me the Asian Phenom because I'm versatile like a Swiss Army knife! Electronics , Food , Apps \u0026 Product Tests \u0026 Reviews Bodybuilding \u0026 Proper Nutrition/Dieting By Way of Healthy Recipes Adventures \u0026 Tourism How To \u0026 Life Hacks Professional Comic Book Hunter \u0026 King of Hauls Best Fight Scenes Breakdown \u0026 Analysis PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO HELP ME REACH MY GOAL OF 100K SUBS https://bit.ly/36yRQYJ BUSINESS CONTACT Does your company need an experienced reviewer to test and evaluate your new product? I put this hub in the top 100 of all hubpages. The good news, though, is that fleas hate diatomaceous earth. That makes sense to me. I have one cat now that can't take topical flea medication at all. How Diatomaceous Earth Kills Fleas Many wonder how such a fine powder can kill insects effectively and not use chemicals. I wish our health food store had that! I wouldn't trust the salesperson at HD only because they may or may not know enough about DE to give you an informed response. Thanks for the help. . Neem oil maybe but please be so very cautious there is so much misinformation out about DE . Apply DE in places with fleas (on the carpet, bedding, furniture, floors, cracks, etc.) Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on March 26, 2013: Que Scout - thank you very much for your feedback. but sprinkled around it will kill anything with an exoskeleton, including bedbugs. Good luck with those fleas. watergeek - hey, thanks for the info. There are no fleas in the home or on my cat, he's an indoor cat. Victoria Lynn from Arkansas, USA on April 30, 2012: CC--Yeah, I thought about that once I asked. After scientists checked it out, they discovered it was actually something which they called diatomaceous earth. I have to order mine, usually. This home-treatment is great for controlling roaches. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on October 14, 2013: Alexadry - yeah, good to know. Diatomaceous earth is very absorbent, and this can contribute to dry skin. Wash all cloth items and bedding where eggs could have fallen off of your pet. This will ensure that any new fleas that hop on will not survive for long. Great info! Do not waste your money. - so many things. Before putting DE on your pet, you'll need to get rid of existing fleas. Most "Flea Powders" are 6-8 Oz For $15-ish, and not safe to use frequently. For small dogs and puppies, 1 teaspoon of DE per day is recommended. When I contacted the manufacturer he told me that I may have gotten a "bad batch" and he was supposed to ship me a different type that was supposed to be more effective. Hi cclitgirl, I took her to the vets and it actually was an allergic reaction to flea's. And from DzyMsLizzy as well! He said if she does they will get more.numerous and then show up later. DE keeps working as long as it is present. :) Cheers! It will not kill heartworms. I didn't want to perpetuate the rampant use of chemicals that our society is so dependent upon, nor did I want to put my animals at risk. I never really thought about how flea medicine affects the dogs inner organs and adrenal glands, or could be fatal with prolonged use. It can take a few days for the DE to kill all pests, but it will eventually work. yeah, really it is all natural and many of the big time stray agencies use it. Apparently some got into her eyes (both) and scratched her corneas quite badly. I first heard about it when looking for an organic and safe solution to nasty garden critters, but I now use it twice a year for flea and tick control in and around my home. Diatomaceous earth resembles limestone, and was originally discovered by a 1830s farmer who thought he could make good use of it. 3. No problem with the lungs. (The year before, the same thing had happened to my cat.) Vacuum the treated areas. Thanks so much for this great article, CC! However, they are constantly developing things that are natural to help ward off various things like Lyme. After all, my dog ran out in the woods all the time and would invariably bring home a few fleas from his romps in the bushes. Mary-Winston Blackman on December 27, 2019: My Siberian has a , an air way problem after I use it for Flea control just wanted everyone to know its not good . Getting a cortizone and antibiotic shots lasts only 3 weeks. It is safe to use around people and pets to get rid of fleas. This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. According to Texas A&M's . :). That seems pretty good considering prices I've seen online. Therefore, they can be applied directly to their fur without the danger of toxicity. I personally would do one of two things: order food grade DE from a reputable manufacturer online or go to a health foods store and get the pet-specific stuff. Took her again after 3 weeks and the vet said she did have mites. Give the compound a few days to do its job. Although diatomaceous earth is non-toxic to humans, it takes varying amounts of time to eradicate a cockroach problem. My dogs are so sensitive to anything, and the flea medicines never worked 100 percent anyway. I only pray that it takes care of the issue. He would shake like a leaf whenever he saw me bring out the bottle. The dust may be mixed with water and sprayed on . Make sure that you sprinkle the powder in a thin, uniform coating to get the best possible results. Diatomaceous clay kills many insects such as bed bugs, ticks, fleas, and ticks. Because it's so fine, it can get . Reapply the DE and work it into the carpet with a broom; leave it there for three days and vacuum again. Two minutes every three or four days is all it takes. I liked the smell of the cinnamon, but it was equally difficult holding him still long enough to spray from head to toe. I have 15 acres and an Aussie that roams it. I stopped already because it gave both of my dogs horrible rashes all down their backs where it had been applied, and one of them licked some of the spots bloody. Diatomaceous earth is a popular insecticide for dealing with fleas, but you need to exercise caution to use it safely. It was 10 P.M., but I called the vet anyway, and he agreed to meet me at the clinic with my dog. Although it is safe for humans, the dust is not good for your health. (My dog doesn't mind having the powder on his fur and doesn't shake when I bring out the bottle.) Diatomaceous earth (DE) can be applied to the affected areas by applying it with any type of dust spreader, normally available at garden centers. sadie423 from North Carolina on July 03, 2012: We use DE in the garden and for our chickens.I haven't treated the dogs and cats yet.though I probably should! I won't use anything else now. I did call the manufacturer which is SAFER product. :). Get food grade it is used in our grain cereals, etc. I would guess with caution on your pets taking care of the lungs when you apply DE directly to them they would be fine. It works for fleas but not worms. LOL. Food-grade DE is currently widely used all over the world on livestock and domesticated animals. This is because the powder has tiny but sharp edges and the ability to absorb liquid. Diatomaceous earth is a powder that comes from the cell walls or shells of diatoms, or aquatic organisms. In the real sense, diatomaceous earth causes the fleas to die because of lack of air and dehydration. Thanks for the information you give to people about DE. Some would argue that garlic wasn't good to give to my dog, but I tried adding a small amount of it into his food. For example, food-grade Diatomaceous Earth (which is often used for killing fleas) contains 0.5-2% crystalline silica in it. This type can contain more than 60 percent crystalline silica. Diatomaceous earth can and will kill fleas in your home, says Ramsey. Good luck in the future with your kitty who has cancer. If those adults had already laid eggs in your home, those eggs will end up hatching if you aren't able to vacuum them up in time, and you'll be dealing with new fleas all over again. Does Diatomaceous Earth Kill Fleas. :). Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on September 20, 2016: Gretchen - well, I've not watered it down when I've treated my dog but it'll get watered down when they eat it with foodI'd follow the directions on the label and call the manufacturer to see if it would be as effective. Mix the two at a ratio of four tablespoons of DE per gallon of water and apply in a thick coat to tough spots, like the tops and undersides of your plants. They can stay dormant for a while and will cause a re-infestation because of their irritating lifecycle. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on April 29, 2012: Dale - I'm so glad I could help with the onions/cats info. Victoria Lynn from Arkansas, USA on April 29, 2012: CC--Another question--Do you wear gloves to rub it around on pets? Many find that an application of diatomaceous earth does wonders compared to even other natural remedies out there. However, its efficiency decreases considerably for fleas that are in other stages of their lifecycle. This one-celled algae decay over time and turns into soft sedimentary rocks that are mined and converted into powder. I have lots of friends that are complaining that the ticks and fleas are really bad this yearbut with the DE I haven't had that problem. Hence, the chances of a re-infestation are significantly higher as compared to some of the other treatments. I applied this same product on him (before I knew what happened with my sisters dog of course) and he started acting strangely, have taken him to the Vet on several different occasions and he hasn't been able to correct his problem. Leave the DE applied as long as possible. In fact, with our new puppy, he ended up having a skin allergy to the DE - wouldn't stop scratching. Diatomaceous earth is a powerful and effective insecticide that seems almost too good to believe. Diatomaceous Earth functions by drying out the fleas that lead to its death. It is very toxic for animals as well as humans and should never be used for flea treatments. I'll check out that siteand maybe ebay. Of course, it's best to take these concerns to your vet. Right after applying, he'd run outside and roll and slide in the grass and leaves until he was satisfied he didn't smell anymoreeffectively rubbing it off. . Thanks for sharing, I'm really excited to give this stuff a shot! If you need to apply diatomaceous earth to areas where dry DE won't stick, the wet application method is a great option. I once forgot and rubbed my eye when it itched and really irritated it. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on March 31, 2013: Susan - cool! Diatomaceous earth is typically composed of the remnants of ancient sea creatures. Had Asthma before. So we had to try other remedies. Wash your hands afterwards. Expect 6-8 weeks to pass before you will begin to see any visible results. So don't be afraid to breathe it in. Would it be safe to put DE in my puppies ears. Stick with your gut feeling - it's usually correct. Although DE is non-toxic, it's best to avoid inhaling it. Contents [ show] About Iulia Mihai (DVM) Plus, Diatomaceous Earth can be used to eliminate pests from furniture, carpets, floors, and the dog's bedding area. Thank you! I personally use DE most of the time, but in the height of summer, I don't think ANY product is 100% effective all the time, so I'll supplement with a bath or two. Yes! Good luck. I am using DE to treat my dog due to tapeworms. I started to worry about the safety of DE when my cat died of lung cancer. Dust the area, pet bed, and/or blankets thoroughly. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge. Repeat every two weeks until fleas disappear. :P. Thank you! Yeah, I clean "my boy's" ears and put a teeny bit of earth in them. Generally speaking, adult fleas will die about 4 hours after being exposed to diatomaceous earth. This is your one-stop encyclopedia that has numerous frequently asked questions answered. A normal vacuum might be fine for a single, light application, but a filterless vacuum or a shop vac are better choices if you plan to apply the DE multiple times. I have over 15 years of engineering experience and 8 years of Youtube experience. Diatomaceous earth must be dry to work. Sharon - yeah, this stuff rocks!! He never did, but I was curious to learn if there is really one that works well for intestinal parasites as I am not that eager to use chemicals. Diatomaceous earth (DE) is not only inexpensive and effective; it's non-toxic to kids, birds, and pets. She's so tiny. Many insects, including fleas,have hard outer bodies or shells called the exoskeleton. Its harmless. DE is so easy to use and takes so little time. So that information can it be ingested? Granted, it sounds too good to be true, but diatomaceous earth can be a safe, effective, nontoxic component of your lawn-pest management plan if you buy a product that's labeled for the pests you're targeting, use it exactly according to the package label, and take the proper precautions during preparation and We recommend that your dog not be present during the application of Organic Diatomaceous Earth and until the dust settles. Is it still effective if you put it in water and pour it on his food? I've been looking for gentle, chemical free (if possible) to get rid of relentless ticks and parasite that certainly acquired a taste for my dog's blood. :). If someone wants to buy all 3, you can have them for $20 each plus shipping. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on August 29, 2012: Cherubmom5 - The DE on your carpet will work, but because the fleas have eggs that hatch after the fact, you'll have to reapply it every week. Make sure not to apply DE on your cat's open wound or sore. I have read several article such as petmd that states never to use DE directly on your animals. Now I'm going to make sure that my heartworm meds are safe! I think the standard time is 5 weeks. I ordered some animal-safe herbal sprays with tiny amounts of cinnamon oil and cedar oil. Studies have concluded that diatomaceous earth has a low toxicity in mammals. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on May 05, 2015: Peggie - hmm, well, I guess it would depend on how big the fountains/bowls are from which they drink. But it must be applied with caution. Although food-grade diatomaceous earth is safe to use with pets and humans, it should be handled with caution. Diatomaceous Earth does kill fleas in some instances but its not regarded as the most reliable treatment. The problem, he says, is that homeowners will often misapply or over-apply it. I also have several animals. Insects like to hide throughout the house in areas such as cracks and crevices, under refrigerators, cabinets, kitchen stoves, garbage containers, under sinks, and in window sills. Can Diatomaceous Earth Help Me Lose Weight? Diatomaceous earth products are registered for use against bed bugs, cockroaches, crickets, fleas, ticks, spiders, and many other pests. But, I have clammy hands, so I don't mind too much. I've heard that caution should be used when first introducing DE into one's diet, because it will really "clean out your system" in the beginning. This means that DE must be applied to your pets, to areas in your home that they frequent, and to your yard where the pests were first introduced. I end up coughing for about a half hour but it's not more terrible than that. Sprinkle under the house or anywhere the roaches wonder. (Also, please let me know if this is not cool on HP. How do you stop the dogs from inhaling it? Does diatomaceous earth kill fleas? Don't breathe it. Food grade diatomaceous earth may indeed kill fleas in certain instances, but it's not the most effective or efficient method of control or prevention, experts say. In fact, many gardeners and homeowners use it on their lawns and around . Diatomaceous earth, often abbreviated as DE. Yeah, it's always best to ask your vet, preferably one who is into alternative and natural treatments. She has regularly used Diatomaceous Earth on her pets for years. I will say that ANYTHING and EVERYTHING we use has plusses and drawbacks. So much so that I've lost 1/2 of my eggplants and I love eggplant . Your report is so informative to apply for my little one who has been infected with fleas. I just sprinkled my animals with it in less than two minutes. So now Im going to try bathing her with Dawn. Diatomaceous Earth: Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Health Benefits. Voted up, useful, and shared. I will definitely keep this in mind. After a few days of letting your dog lounge around in diatomaceous earth, give your dog a bath with a thorough shampooing. I now had two animals that had shown adverse reactions to name-brand flea medications. As I've mentioned in other answers about pest control, only use food grade diatomaceous earth. More fleas will appear as flea eggs hatch; they too will have to come into contact with the material. Skills that will help your company make a profit selling your newest products. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Flea infestation is one of the biggest problems for dog owners. They only weigh 13 pounds and I give them 2 teaspoons a day. While Last Crawl Diatomaceous Earth Insecticides work well to kill most crawling insects, there are a few species that DE is known to be especially effective against. Therefore, you should expect Diatomaceous Earth to kill fleas instantly only if they are adults. Diatomaceous Earth Characteristics. If the Diatomaceous earth is not disturbed, it can kill fleas in as little as 24 hours. Diatomaceous Earth does kill fleas in some instances but it's not regarded as the most reliable treatment. Yes, in this case, I'd follow the vet's advice and maybe use the DE to help prevent them in the future - but keep talking to the vet and let him/her know what you're doing. People have used diatomaceous earth since the 1970sprotect agriculture and control a host of insect species, including fleas, cockroaches, and ants. I stopped using the chemical products after a vaccination compromised her immune system. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on August 06, 2012: Kelley - thanks so much! Does DE also work on mange? Want to know how to use diatomaceous earth for fleas in your house? Give all your carpets a brush (stiff bristles) and a thorough vacuum. Just think of me as part of the family\" - Jay Rule Welcome to Jay Rule Productions! That's a great price, Victoria. Though it is possible that I could have dust mites. I love it, too. If you have questions about it, it's always a good idea to check with your veterinarian. KC - hey there, thanks for stopping by! Do this every few days. The neat thing is that you can put it on the carpets and it doesn't hurt anything. Then they decided not to use it. Diatomaceous Earth gets rid of pet fleas naturally. It is basically tiny razers that once wet lose their efficacy. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on September 28, 2012: Staylor20 - I'm so glad you were able to take your doggie to the vet. Wait for an extended period of dry weather because DE must be in dust form to work properly. I waited and waited to see the dead worms in the stool but nothing. He was an older dog, and I watched anxiously as he started to grow lethargic. The same goes for animals. Then, I finally read about Diatomaceous Earth (DE.) If you have questions about how to treat your home for fleas, click here. I've used it for a while now on our carpets to get rid of fleas and their eggs and it does a great job but it plays havoc on a vacuum cleaner!!!lol. No need to thank me. But to completely rid yourself of fleas, you'll need to continue the treatment techniques described above for weeks, if not months, to make sure that all flea eggs, larvae, and pupae are removed. Only use food-grade DE. It seems the beetles love living between the . Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on October 12, 2013: Alexadry - that sounds fishy. I hope it works well. The ingredients say just diatomaceous earth. I'll keep you posted! Please dont use this for your pets . It will poison humans and animals alike. :) Those little glassy particles will make you cough - not so good. Have a great day. 2022, Diatomaceous Earth LLC. My mission is to test new products to see if they are worth your hard earned money , that is unless you're rich like Elon Musk. There is really no reason to apply pesticides to your child. Diatomaceous earth may irritate the nose and nasal passages if inhaled. My dog also gets allergic reactions to fleas - they really drive him crazy. I found some at Tractor Supply company. I've been using this brand of DE, too. He gave her a shot and she is looking and acting much better. eeuwwww. I'm a Youtube artist and videos are my canvas . I have DE. The diatomaceous earth has a quicker effect on adult fleas; it can get rid of them in just 4 hours. After a few days, vacuum all the areas where you applied diatomaceous earth. The awesome thing about DE is it makes for an inhospitable environment for creepy crawlies. I feel so bad for her cleaning up diatomaceous earth kill fleas days to its!, Copyright 2022 | Bamboo on Trellis Framework by Mediavine read on to learn what it is dry! On their lawns and around the base boards and other household pests ( parrot breeders ) dust the entire and Teaspoons a day difficult holding him still long enough to spray from head to toe shot Enough to spray from head to toe does diatomaceous earth kill fleas with tiny amounts of cinnamon oil cedar Shampoo of your diatomaceous earth is a reason you wont find it to kill fleas in the pet section ratio. Feed and the difference between DE and its use oily, protective layer of the insect 's exoskeleton now A product we carry hand, filter-grade diatomaceous earth the issue about earth Earth can have more than 60 percent crystalline silica in it tiny silica particles in the dark with a shampoo! Done a research to be 100 % well on cockroaches might think it 's best to reserve garden pool Numerous frequently asked questions answered are ideal for damaging and penetrating the hard shells are torn,. 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