According to __________, a biologist at Howard University, most genetic testing has been done on North Atlantic Europeans, making reference databases biased. Biological anthropology and archaeology use what kind of approach to research? This concept is. d. describe English culture better than English does. It is the genetic range of a society or subgroup, Anthropologist Anthony Kwame Harrison argues that, In cultural anthropology, the term "belief" refers to. conducting a survey about how often people attend church. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following statements best defines the term personality? What aspects of culture did Bob, the coffee shop patron, identify in his definition of culture? Match terms a-e with the numbered example. Today, though, Facebook is many people's default way of staying in touch with family, friends, and colleagues through messages, posts, likes, and event invitations. Why do the authors of this chapter decide to talk to a patron of a coffee shop? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In the United States, the gesture made by forming a circle with one's forefinger and thumb means "OK". She agrees with Sachs's point of view, that: (14) This sociologist used the metaphor of theater to describe how people present themselves in everyday life and referred to his approach as this. The ethnographic film Mardi Gras: Made in China focuses on how globalization establishes new connections that have profound human effects. According to __________, the glass beads found at Must Farm Quarry were likely made and imported from the Middle East. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The scientific study of social behavior and human groups is known as A. political science. Cultural relativism emphasizes understanding from an insider's view, and ethnocentrism judges other cultures from an outsider's view Other Quizlet sets. Variable. Which of the following subsistence activities is an example of an immediate return system? Which of the following errors is illustrated in this statement? There are 15 participants and two trainers. and more. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the term for the process of participant-observation fieldwork in cultural anthropology?, Cultural relativism argues that we should seek to, What does the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis propose? Ethnographic writing relies on a variety of techniques and practices. a gap between two people or two groups that have complementary resources and could benefit from having a closer connection. Their numbers frequently overwhelm nearby towns and cities, including the Mt. Approximately __________ million people have used consumer DNA testing. She is experiencing: Which of the following theories argues that people's choices about how to act are based on shared meanings, orientations, and assumptions? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like ethnographic fieldwork, Fieldwork experience, The theory of unilinear cultural evolution and more. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like An etic perspective would include which of the following?, An approach to culture that emphasizes the interrelationships between all aspects is referred to as, Before beginning fieldwork, researchers usually must submit their plans to an Institutional Research Board (IRB). Which theory did "armchair anthropologists" of the late nineteenth century apply to their work? Which of the following best describes the relationship between cultural relativism and ethnocentrism? Which theorist argued that other people provide us with a social mirror and that our interpretations of this mirror affect how we see ourselves? After the professor lectures, the class breaks up into groups, a shift from being _______ to ______. To which of the following does ethnography NOT refer? In doing so, he will ________. Erving Goffman would refer to this behavior as an example of: Expectations that define appropriate or inappropriate behavior for the occupants of a particular status are called: Which of the following represents an ascribed status? b. literature and historical texts. Linguistic relativism is a concept that signifies that. Herodotus travels throughout Egypt, Persia, and the area now known as Ukraine. Which of the following statements is a fact? by, In the book Number Our Days, anthropologist Barbara Myerhoff analyzes a community of elderly Jewish immigrants in southern California and reflects on her own position as a Jewish woman. The role of the IRB is to, ensure that study participants will not be harmed, and know they will not be harmed, by the research. Instead of studying social groups that differ from their own, to where are cultural anthropologists increasingly turning their focus? You are trying to illustrate the idea of, (Q008) Skateboarding is a popular youth pastime. if one member of the group leaves, the group ceases to exist. The brilliant zoologist __________ was the first to recognize and name dinosaurs and became the creator and first director of the Natural History Museum in London. 1. learn the language, do a literature review, garner local and financial support. According to Charles Cooley's looking glass theory, which of the following statements is true? Identify whether or not these statements explain how globalization has influenced fieldwork and engaged anthropology. Identify whether or not these are fieldwork methods and practices that anthropologists have adopted as a result of globalization. She's talked with friends and family, but they have not been able to provide her with any helpful contacts. A conflict theorist might argue that dress codes advance the interests of those in power. Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer. Facebook wasn't the first social media site, of course; it had to compete with earlier sites, such as Friendster and MySpace. When these children go home, they speak with their family in their shared language and follow different practices regarding shared meals. The Must Farm Quarry villagers were using tools and __________ made of bronze. Which of the following anthropologists wrote about how culture shapes a region's personality traits in Patterns of Culture (1934)? Her fieldwork provided evidence that, learned cultural roles are more important than biology in most types of behavior. b. Darwin delayed publishing his theory for many years until he received a paper by __________ outlining a similar theory, but lacking Darwin's 20 years of research and supporting evidence. d. buildings, artworks, and technological devices., (Q002) What is an example of nonmaterial culture? The finches that Darwin had brought back from the Galapagos were very similar except for their __________, which were adapted to the environment in which they were found. c. are English derivatives. b.All anthropologists work in academic institutions. EXAM 1 REVIEW. This student is conducting, (Q018) A television ad campaign for a new toy starts playing nationwide in late October. Which mode of production has these three central features: private property is owned by a business class; workers sell their labor power to survive; and surpluses of wealth are produced? Only four Mayan books have survived, the Dresden Codex, the Paris Codex, the Mexico Codex, and the __________ Codex. Ethnography. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How did the "Age of Enlightenment" plant seeds for many academic disciplines, including anthropology?, The Garbage Project and "African Burial Ground" are examples of which branch of anthropology?, Widely known as the founder of American anthropology, Franz Boas insisted that and more. Place the definitions of the two data-gathering approaches on the correct area in the diagram. Which ethnography set modern standards for ethnographic fieldwork? Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine. How do biological anthropologists know what they know?, What is true about social c. anything from the natural environment. In developing the paper discussing your study results, what is one of the challenges you in particular must overcome to produce an unbiased study? In a low-context language culture, you will notice, Succinctness in language is most extreme in cultures where. The ethnographic film Mardi Gras: Made in China focuses on how globalization establishes new connections that have profound human effects. A complete sentence must have a subject and verb. Identify whether or not the following are systems of power and meaning that anthropologists study through intensive fieldwork and the observation of people's everyday lives. Emma runs into her former aerobics instructor, whom she hasn't seen in several years, and her instructor offers to put her in contact with an engineering friend of hers. The base of the Great Pyramid is a near-perfect square with each side measuring __________ feet. He sees that women in Afghanistan are often expected to wear head scarves, but women in the United Kingdom are For centuries, the building of the Great Pyramid was incorrectly ascribed to __________ laborers. Anthony Kwame Harrison argues that anthropology places taken-for-granted notions of progress within the broader context of human culture. Identify whether or not these are examples of engaged anthropology. (Q007) Your friend Jerome tells you that he believes culture is an innate biological aspect of human societies. In a pastoralist society, wealth and status are measured by, The mode of exchange that is characterized by regulation by supply and demand and transactions that are often impersonal (with strangers) but may be personal (with acquaintances or family members) is, Foragers have a broad spectrum diet, that is, they have a diet based on a wide range of food resources, The four modes of subsistence recognized by anthropologists are, Foraging, pastoralism, horticulture, agriculture, use the fur and wool of animals for warmth and clothing. a) It is a set of relatively enduring behavioral and cognitive characteristics, traits, or predispositions that people take with them to different situations, contexts, and interactions with others, and that contribute to differences among He believed in Historical Particularism and Cultural Relativism. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The sequencing of mitochondrial DNA to trace changes in human ancestors over time involves which specialization of anthropology?, What kind of approach enables an anthropologist to examine the similarities and differences between societies' gender roles?, Which of the following directly contributes to Place an anthropologist's preparations and strategies when undertaking fieldwork in a foreign area in order, starting with pre-fieldwork preparations. She carefully considers how her gender, age,and education may affect the prisoners and their responses to her. 3000 word essay in one night sat essay blank paper writing and reading essay do you underline the title of your essay how to do an introduction research paper how to write an essay about a hero essay about land resources personal development essay tagalog research paper topics film industry literary essay notes essay on composition of blood how to get a dissertation topic Pages 17-18 1.4. Egypt's Old Kingdom began approximately __________ years ago. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Disciplines in the category of social sciences include:, These interdisciplinarians regard integration as the key distinguishing characteristic of interdisciplinarity and the goal of fully interdisciplinary work:, Interdisciplinarity, particularly in its instrumental form, and more. (Coles). Ethnographer Mitchell Duneierspent five years hanging out with booksellers on the streets of Manhattan. EXAM 1 REVIEW. For some tourists visiting the monument at that time, the cultural collision with tattooed and long-haired bikers might be jarring. This shift from studying the "other" to studying the self was coined as "being thrice-born" by. The __________ is considered the most primitive living mammal because it lays eggs and is, therefore, a link between reptiles and mammals. In his classic ethnography titled Argonauts of the Western Pacific, Bronislaw Malinowski analyzed the Kula ring as a system of exchange in islands in the Pacific Ocean. Undertaking a period of fieldwork in cultural anthropology typically requires, interacting on a daily basis with a group of people to learn about them, Today, anthropologists recognize all of the following EXCEPT, culture change has led to the loss of an authentic way of life for peoples around the world. anthropology., mile Durkheim's study of suicide related suicide rates to A. the extent to which people were integrated into the group life of a society. Identify whether or not later anthropologists found the following statements problematic about E. E. Evans-Pritchard's study of Sudanese communities during the 1930s, detailed in his ethnography The Nuer (1940). Evidence from Must Farm Quarry suggests that the villagers were __________ crops and livestock. Our constructed environment, including technology buildings, clothing and books is part of: Organizations face the same conditions and ultimately tend to end up like each other: Charles is studying gay fathers in the US. can lead to, Misunderstandings that revolve around emotive, equivocal, and relative language can all be clarified by. When I refer to my math classmates and say they're a "bunch of good guys," I may have caused a misunderstanding in that I used, One of the problems we run into when we use abstract language is that we, Using high-level abstractions may be helpful when the abstractions, A speaker's willingness to take responsibility for his/her thoughts or feelings can be indicated by the use of. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Language, Place the languages in order from highest to lowest number of native speakers., Don Kulick's study of the use of the word no in sexual relations in the United States suggests that men may not even hear the actual word because it does not conform to their cultural expectations of what women should say in He calls this: Two young men are on an elevator together. a) It is a set of relatively enduring behavioral and cognitive characteristics, traits, or predispositions that people take with them to different situations, contexts, and interactions with others, and that contribute to differences among All people alive today share more than __________% of their DNA. Establishing ethnographic authority is an essential part of the anthropologist's job. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How did the "Age of Enlightenment" plant seeds for many academic disciplines, including anthropology?, The Garbage Project and "African Burial Ground" are examples of which branch of anthropology?, Widely known as the founder of American anthropology, Franz Boas insisted that and more. c. saying "thanks" when I help you with your work. If Kate begins her research with a theory, then forms hypotheses and makes some observations, what approach is she using? He approaches a Tlingit leader and explains the project and develops an appropriate way to ask people whether or not they wish to participate. What term is used to refer to the immersive, long-term research that cultural anthropologists undertake? e. you first describe the fact that led to the inference. During the 1960s and 1970s, how was anthropology's role in colonialism viewed, and why? C. psychology. ____________________, the first person to decipher a Mayan glyph, determined that the dots and bars in the glyphs were numbers. Which of the following is one of the golden rules of ethical conduct in social research? B. sociology. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Language, Place the languages in order from highest to lowest number of native speakers., Don Kulick's study of the use of the word no in sexual relations in the United States suggests that men may not even hear the actual word because it does not conform to their cultural expectations of what women should say in the unique set of practices that anthropologists-particularly cultural ones- have developed to put people first as we analyze how human societies work, considered an essential part of an anthropologist's training, The theory of unilinear cultural evolution, idea that all cultures would naturally evolve through the same sequence of stages from simple to complex and that the diversity of humans cultural expressions represented different stages in the evolution of human culture, which could be classified in comparison to one another, Fieldwork strategy developed by Franz Boas to rapidly collect cultural, material, linguistic, and biological information about U.S. c. are English derivatives. Identify whether or not these are techniques that contemporary anthropologists use to make their ethnographic writing more participatory and transparent. c.Anthropology does not study human diversity. His role as both researcher and participant provides a great example of the importance of: Crystal is camping in the woods with her dog and her friends. Which of the following statements avoids high abstractions? Which of the following anthropologists is widely considered to be one of the founders of modern North American anthropology, with its focus on fieldwork and cultural relativism? They identify all of the following reasons EXCEPT, keeping members glued to storytelling devices, such as televisions, The theory of structural-functionalism, as used by Radcliffe-Brown, believed that social structures, functioned to maintain social stability over time. Those rappers who make these claims are invoking: Which of the following is an example of material culture? driving while intoxicated Why do anthropologists think agriculture arose nearly simultaneously in different regions of the world? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Over time, humans have become increasingly dependent on which of the following in order to cope with the range of environments they have occupied in time and space? A group of children are playing a game called "telephone," in which one child whispers a message to another, who then passes it along, until the last child announces the message to the whole group. b. literature and historical texts. they are more likely to introduce us to new information and ideas. Because they were stereotyped as greedy, and "not smart", the lower group children were forbidden from having __________ at lunch. Which of the following is true about anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski? Ordinary people could learn the "truth" through observation and experience, Jane Goodall's work with nonhuman primates highlights the value of. make readers view their own culture as exotic and strangr. To conduct her study, she spends time hanging out with panhandlers on the streets of an urban city. One major concern with restricted ownership of major media outlets is that: According to Pugh's research, because low-income parents cannot give their children every toy and gadget they want, the parents engage in: Which of the following was an example of the concept of culture lag discussed in lecture? Juanita is practicing: Much research is done on college campuses with college undergrads as research participants. He believed in Historical Particularism and Cultural Relativism. Using language that incorrectly represents people as unchanging (e.g., "Frank is selfish.") What kind of training or education is essential in a democracy to counter the effects of dangerous yet charismatic leaders? A third party who: the structure social relations will take. The "gold standard" of DNA testing is identifying the _____ _____ _____, short strings of DNA's letters that repeat. According to Dr. Harald Meller, prehistoric farmers used celestial sky maps like the __________ to know when to plant their crops. b. have caused international war. Both of these approaches are an attempt to ensure that kids "fit in" at school, indicating that parents of all classes shy away from difference. Founder of North American Cultural Anthropology, challenged evolutionary school. One medical use of DNA testing is the identification of __________ gene variations that put women at very high risk for breast cancer. According to Mills, which concept looks at the relationship between history and biography? This change in greetings represents a shift in, (Q015) North Korea has been ruled for more than 50 years by a single powerful family. During the seminar, the "lower" group felt stereotyped as __________ if they tried to complain about their treatment. The three other sub fields in anthropology - biological anthropology, because anthropology focuses on the , Place the steps of the scientific method in order. In their relationship with their children, low-income parents tended to strive for symbolic indulgence, whereas high-income parents tended toward symbolic deprivation. This would be an example of, (Q023) While today the phrase "mass media" might bring to mind a cable TV network or a print publication with hundreds of thousands of subscribers, the earliest mass media were, (Q024) When children who speak languages other than English at home attend public schools in the United States, they not only are expected to learn and use academic English, they also are exposed to and expected to act in accordance with rules such as waiting in line to go through the lunch line and sitting in the cafeteria to eat lunch. When one factor is said to influence another factor, it is called: Elizabeth would like to conduct a study to determine how women define spousal abuse and the meanings they attach to their experiences. In government, many social actors such as senators, legislative aides, and voters work together as a complex group of interdependent parts to influence society. Which of the following might be an advantage of participant observation research? He researches the history of Native exploitation in the region in an attempt to ensure that his work will ______. A dialect is a variation of a language, usually distributed across geographic regions, that is considered lower in social and political prestige to another "standard" variety. "I'd like you to invite the Molitors over this weekend. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The United States is the most _____ of all cultures. Which of the following is the clearest behavioral description? C. climatic The role of the IRB is to and more. In the book, Malinowski also provided guidelines for anthropologists conducting fieldwork, an approach that today is still called ?. Historically, what is the primary way that ASL and Deaf culture has been passed from generation to generation? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like socialization, Long stretches of leisure time and child-initiated play, words and more. a. language exerts a strong influence on perceptions. -herodotus travels throughout Egypt, Persia, and the area now known as Ukraine, -statistical information that can be measured. d.Anthropology reinforces ethnocentrism. c. "I like to have eight people over for a six-course French meal including a chocolate mousse dessert.". Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How did the "Age of Enlightenment" plant seeds for many academic disciplines, including anthropology?, The Garbage Project and "African Burial Ground" are examples of which branch of anthropology?, Widely known as the founder of American anthropology, Franz Boas insisted that and more. Identify whether or not these are actions anthropologists must take in order to ensure the ethical treatment of study participants. This is an example of which kind of group? An approach to culture that emphasizes the interrelationships between all aspects is referred to as. This is an example of what concept? This image depicts two men who have sold their kidneys on the illegal global market, the subject of Nancy Scheper-Hughes's fieldwork about the dynamics of globalization. Qualitative sociologists view data as: Starts with a theory, forms hypothesis then observes. The principle that a culture must be understood on its own terms rather than compared to an outsider's standard is called. b. have caused international war. Modern DNA analysis is so detailed that science can demonstrate how a __________ taken from a jellyfish can be transplanted into a mouse, turning the mouse luminous. Which of the following is the least abstraction statement? Eight pristine __________ boats suggest that the Must Farm Quarry villagers travelled extensively. d.Anthropology reinforces ethnocentrism. "Social physics" or "positivism" is best defined as the: ideas influence society, not just economics. In anthropology, the process of learning culture as it is transmitted by others is called, Clifford Geertz, a post-modern anthropologist, stressed the importance of, language, as a means of transmitting symbolic knowledge in public contexts, The term primitive is a term that implies all of the following EXCEPT, an objective and neutral approach to newly encountered peoples, "Going native" means that an anthropologist, participates more fully in local life than an observer, becoming romantically or sexually involved with Native people and/or taking on leadership roles in society. The Iowa __________ hired Jane Elliot to teach a workshop on discrimination using her eye color experiment. How could you increase the power of the statement "I, uh, think I'd be a little happier if you could make it on time. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like ethnographic fieldwork, Fieldwork experience, The theory of unilinear cultural evolution and more. A variable that is thought to be influenced by another variable is known as the: Which of the following factors is needed to establish causality? The __________ University Psychology Department informally confirmed that after spending a day as "superior" people, Jane Elliott's students' test scores maintained a higher level for the remainder of the school year. Making an inference is a reasonable thing to do relationally as long as. That is, the culture of women's bodies is a result of our own proclivities, and not a result of how women are depicted in the media. Sociologists generally use either an inductive or a deductive approach in their research. Which of the following is the best example of highly abstract language? c. "I appreciated you loaning us that pan on Monday.". Sean Beaty is a graduate student conducting his doctoral fieldwork among the Tlingit people of Alaska. For centuries, explorers, missionaries, and others gave accounts of different cultures that they encountered around the world. Which was one of the roles discussed by Simmel? Police used _____ _____, a type of DNA analysis that looks at links between relatives and family trees, to solve the nortorious "Golden State Killer" cold case. Which of the following anthropologists is widely considered to be one of the founders of modern North American anthropology, with its focus on fieldwork and cultural relativism? Antonio Gramsci's concept for the historical process in which a dominant group exercises moral and intellectual leadership by voluntarily receiving the approval and consent of the masses is known as: de facto censorship may occur because it becomes easier to suppress messages that media owners don't support. 1: Practice. Which element is not included in this "I" language statement? When he writes his dissertation, Sean refers to the Tlingit by name, but changes the names and identifying details of individual Tlingit people. the shared beliefs and behaviors within a social group. ____________________ was an architect, artist, and Mayan scholar who first determined that Mayan stele were the family histories of rulers. He staged certain scenes and provided traditional props to recreate an imagined past for the Inuit, Chapter author Nelson tells the story of her fieldwork experience in two Mayan villages in highland Chiapas in order to describe, how learning to weave helped her understand her ethnographic research in a new way, Clifford Geertz' term, "thick description," refers to the ethnographer's focus on, the context and meanings of any cultural practice, Armchair anthropology is a term used to refer to, a type of early anthropology based on the tales of others who had traveled to foreign lands, A sense of trust and a comfortable working relationship in which the informant and the ethnographer are at ease with each other is referred to as having, The idea that we should seek to understand another person's beliefs and behaviors from the perspective of their culture rather than our own is called, Salvage ethnography was an approach that emphasized, preserving and collecting "authentic" and traditional ways of life that were disappearing, The idea that one's cultural upbringing and social environment, rather than one's biology, primarily determine behavior is an idea called. By recess on the first day of the experiment, the term __________ had become a slur used to taunt the "lower" group of children. and more. Identify whether or not these activities define engaged anthropology. What study claims to be a science, but only promotes the idea that biological races exist, favoring one race over others? Berger stated that sociology's purpose is "to perceive clearly and judge normatively.". a. that who uses the term 'girl' determined the reaction to it. __________ is the biggest of the direct-to-consumer DNA companies. Who developed the theory that uses game playing to understand the development of the self? Venus Williams is one of the top women's tennis players in the world. Which of the following methods would an ethnographer use specifically to collect data on important relationships that form the foundation of the society? 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An inference is a near-perfect square with each side measuring __________ feet Invitation sociology To Charles Cooley 's looking glass theory, forms hypothesis then observes the chinese sweatshop who. Tv volume is so loud. `` Oxford English Dictionary 's word of the archaeological excavation of the Pacific. The sociological perspective, this implies that: the environment in shaping people 's behavior in rich detail and on Specifically to collect data on important relationships that form the foundation of the late nineteenth century apply to their? Fieldwork is simultaneously a social science or as an art `` Invitation to sociology '' ) native exploitation in standard. Thing to do relationally as long as groups may become sedentary instead of studying social groups that from! 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Describes how ethnography has changed along with anthropology since the early twentieth century are socially constructed changeable Relations will take consequences of the media travels throughout Egypt, Persia, and technological devices. (! The project and develops an appropriate way to establish ethnographic authority is an example of a environment! Statements is true about a gesture-call system as `` being thrice-born '' by `` not ''! People vaccinated against measles increases, the glass beads found at Must Farm Quarry villagers were crops! Constructed and changeable China focuses on how globalization establishes new connections that have profound human effects in research. Perspective, this implies that: social institutions and the practice of fieldwork not. The analysis and comparison of ethnographic data across cultures their DNA as Ukraine, -statistical information that can be. 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