Public Speaking by Dr. Layne Goodman; Amber Green, M.A. useful organization pattern when the main points importance is derived from its location or directional focus, organizational pattern that reasons from cause to effect or from effect to cause. Since the specific purpose is about stages, it is necessary to put the four stages in the right order. In this speech, the speaker wants to persuade people to pass a new curfew for people under eighteen. Speech Organizational Patterns Thalia Ferro carefully leaned his sturdy body towards the couch, and his weight made him health ranger cbd oil feel uncomfortable. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons The next task in preparing to write an informative speech is to draft a thesis statement. At this point in discussing organizational patterns and looking at these examples, two points should be made about them and about speech organization in general. The example above uses what is termed the chronological pattern of organization. Describe Warners decision to create Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids. In other words, the pattern determines which main point is discussed first, second, third, and so on. Capital punishment does not save money for the justice system. The Northridge earthquake was caused by a fault that was previously unknown and located nine miles beneath Northridge. II. In North Campus, one will find the Universitys oldest building, Chapter 1: Why Public Speaking Matters Today, Chapter 9: Supporting Ideas and Building Arguments, Chapter 10: Introductions and Conclusions, Chapter 15: Understanding Small Group Communication, Chapter 16: Small Groups & Decision Making, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Which organizational pattern do you think would be most useful? Introduction to the Public Speaking Context, 9. If you look at a basic map of the United States, youll notice that these groupings of states were created because of their geographic location to one another. A life of clean lines Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. If you were using the comparison/contrast pattern for persuasive purposes, in the preceding examples, youd want to make sure that when you show how Drug X and Drug Y differ, you clearly state why Drug X is clearly the better choice for physicians to adopt. Thesis and Preview: College of the Canyons has five important student services, which include the library, TLC, Student Development Office, ASG Computer Lab, and Financial Aid. While Monroe's motivated sequence is commonly discussed in most public . You could at the end of the speech note that more in-depth study would show the twenty regions, but that in your speech you have used three regions to show the similarities of the twenty regions rather than the small differences. For an informative speech about soccer, the thesis statement could be the following: The sport of soccer has a simple objective and complicated rules and strategies. Understand how to choose the best organizational pattern, or combination of patterns, for a specific speech. newly constructed parts of campus featuring well-kept landscaping and modern All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Answer. V. Financial Aid is one of the busiest offices on campus, offering students a multitude of methods by which they can supplement their personal finances paying for both tuition and books. Lets look at an example. The first main point focuses on the creation of the event; the second . Importantly, speakers using a spatial style should offer commentary about the placement of the main points as they move through the speech, alerting audience members to the location changes. The purpose of Monroe's motivated sequence is to help speakers "sequence supporting materials and motivational appeals to form a useful organizational pattern for speeches as a whole" (German et al., 2010). IV. Why? Speech is human vocal communication using language.Each language uses phonetic combinations of vowel and consonant sounds that form the sound of its words (that is, all English words sound different from all French words, even if they are the same word, e.g., "role" or "hotel"), and using those words in their semantic character as words in the lexicon of a language according to the syntactic . Another way of organizing a speech on a particular topic is to look at the subject in terms of cause and effect. However, since the blood goes to the lungs to be oxygenated before coming back to the left atrium, that might alter the pattern some. Speech Patterns Speech Patterns Objectives Demonstrate effective use of organizational patterns Describe standard practices and methods for creating engaging speech content Assignment Overview In this practice exercise, you will explore the importance of organizing the main ideas of a speech into a pattern. Organizing the speech in this way illustrates the interconnectedness of life events. Another time when the chronological style makes sense is when you tell the story of someones life or career. (The emphasis here is the movement a tour would go through.). Then, we will look at her early career, followed by her years during the Oprah Winfrey show. The Student Development Office is a place that assists students with their ID cards, but also provides students with discount tickets and other student relatedneeds. Preview: First, lets look at Oprahs early life. Note that you could also use reverse chronological order and start with Churchills writings after World War II, progressing backward to his earliest writings. III. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}}, Patterns of Organization for Persuasive Speeches, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Selecting the Topic, Purpose, and Thesis of Your Speech, Speech Organization: Importance to Speaker & Audience, Developing & Selecting the Main Ideas of a Speech, Patterns of Organization for Informative Speeches, How to Work Supporting Materials into Your Speech, Selecting and Incorporating Visual Supports, Required Assignments for Communications 101, Introduction to Business Law: Certificate Program, Business 104: Information Systems and Computer Applications, GED Social Studies: Civics & Government, US History, Economics, Geography & World, Organizational Patterns for Writing: Purpose and Types, Organizational Patterns for Expository Writing, Organizational Patterns for Descriptive Writing, Pros & Cons of Outsourcing Global Market Research, What Is Full Service? III. Another way to organize the points of a speech is through a spatial speech, which arranges the main points according to their physical and geographic relationships. II. Thesis: The University of Georgia is arranged into four distinct sections, which are characterized The organizational patterns that can help arrange the main points of a speech are topical, chronological, spatial, problem-solution, cause-effect, and Monroe's Motivated Sequence.Incorporating supporting material helps fill in the main points by creating subpoints. For example, you are currently attending college. This section is going to provide you with a number of organization patterns to help you create a logically organized speech. An informative speech informs or educates the audience about a topic by providing factual information. Oprahs early career was characterized by stints on local radio and television networks in Nashville and Chicago. Which organizational pattern is best must be determined by the writer based on the speech's topic. Explain how instituting a mandatory curfew at 10:00 p.m. would reduce vandalism and violence within our community. II. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Patterns of Organization. In most peoples minds, unjust executions is a bigger reason to end a practice than the cost, since an unjust execution means the loss of an innocent life and a violation of our principles. 16 chapters | Decide on an effective organizational pattern. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. Different organizational patterns are better for different types of speeches and topics. However, a topical pattern can be used for most speeches because it is versatile. Below you will find a way in which you can organize your main points chronologically: Topic: Oprah Winfrey (Chronological Pattern). The Northridge earthquake resulted in the loss of 57 lives and over 40 billion dollars of damage in Northridge and surrounding communities. Click card to see the answer. III. Selecting a Topic: Brainstorming your ideas, 16. I followed the speech organization pattern of introduction, body, and conclusionthis offered clarity and a logicalflow of information to the audience. The thesis example on soccer at the beginning of this lesson uses a topical pattern. To inform my audience about the problems associated with drinking among members of Native American tribal groups. In the spatial example above about the Native American . An error occurred trying to load this video. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. SMART goals are specific and clear. newly constructed parts of campus featuring well-kept landscaping and modern The fourth chamber in the blood flow and then out to the body is the left ventricle. The first study, conducted by Raymond Smith in 1951, randomly organized the parts of a speech . A speaker employing the spiral pattern builds up dramatic intensity by moving from smaller and less-intense scenarios to bigger and more-intense scenarios, in an upward spiral. For instance, a speech about Oprah Winfrey might be arranged chronologically. , Emphasize Ideas Through Both Sight and Sound, Chapter 3: Preparing for Your First Speech. The Native Americans of North Georgia were of the Cherokee tribe nation. order. The commonality is the order of the information. Which organizational pattern seems to be the best choice? undergraduate population and students can regularly be found lounging outside It simply divides the main topic of the speech into several related subtopics. A spatial speech pattern arranges information according to its physical location or relationship. Sighted speakers of different languages vary systematically in how they package and order components of a motion event in speech. . Another way to organize the points of a speech is through a spatial speech, which arranges main points according to their physical and geographic relationships. I. III. The chronological (or temporal), topical, spatial, or causal patterns may be better suited to informative speeches, whereas the Problem-Solution, Monroes Motivated Sequence (Monroe, 1949), Claim-to-Proof (Mudd & Sillar, 1962), or Refutation pattern would work best for persuasive speeches. Spatial pattern is best used for topics which involve describing parts of a place or object. However, a causal organizational pattern can also begin with an effect and then explore one or more causes. Special Occasion Speeches are either formal or informal speeches that are used to celebrate, commemorate, or entertain depending on the context and the event. In this speech, the speaker starts by discussing how humor affects the body. If you heard all of that information first, you would be much more curious to hear about what caused such devastation. There are many ways you can organize speeches, and these approaches will be different depending on whether you are preparing an informative or persuasive speech. Although they are all part of the overall topic, the order in which they are presented really doesnt matter. 106 lessons The spatial style is fitting since the differences in architecture and uses of space are related to particular geographic areas, making location a central organizing factor. Topic: University of Georgia (Spatial Pattern). Demonstrate that vandalism and violence among youth is having a negative effect on our community. What is a topical organization of speech? The goal of a topical speech pattern is to create categories (or chunks) of information that . III. Organizational patterns include chronological, spatial, cause and effect, problem-solution, and . A topical speech pattern divides the speech's main topic into smaller, related subtopics. Speech Outline Template - sub-sub-sub-subpoint level - extremely detailed. Understand how to choose the best organizational pattern, or combination of patterns, for a specific speech. IV. While this pattern clearly lends itself easily to two main points, you can also create a third point by giving basic information about what is being compared and what is being contrasted. architecture. OpenOKState Student Data Privacy Guidelines, 1.1 Public Speaking in the Twenty-First Century, 2.2 Classifying Communication Apprehension, 3.5 What to do When Delivering Your Speech, 6.3 Exploring Specific Cultural Identities, 6.5 Intercultural Communication Competence. 2.3 Speech Organization | Pops OpenText. a sprawling treelined quad, and the famous Arches, all of which are nestled against Athens downtown district. Organizational Patterns : A Step-By-Step Approach: If you want any chance of your audience following along with you throughout your speech, you need to organize all of this information (the body of the speech) into a very easy to follow pattern. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 Work through the preceding organizational patterns and see which ones would be possible choices for your speech. What are the speech patterns? Learn about the informative speech and study organizational patterns for informative speeches. That means putting your strongest argument or most important point last when applicable. (or temporal), , , or may be better suited to informative speeches, whereas the Problem-Solution, Monroe's Motivated Sequence (Monroe, 1949), Claim-to-Proof (Mudd & Sillar, 1962), or Refutation pattern would work best for . In this example, the possible causes for the difference might include stricter law enforcement, greater likelihood of neighbors reporting an incident, and police training that emphasizes arrests as opposed to other outcomes. Preview: First, lets look at Oprahs early life. An informative speech is based on facts; it is not intended to persuade the audience. Chronological order. I used significant transitions because my points appeared logically and structurally organized throughout the speech. Although cause-effect and problem-solution can be used for an informative speech, use these patterns with caution as they are better used for persuasive speeches.