There will be a corresponding underrepresentation of those working in traditional 9-to-5 jobs. published in the various research areas of the journal. It is less interested if at all in the cognitive processes that accompany knowledge. Analysen fortstter ideelt set, til der opns teoretisk mtning af begreberne i den nydannede teori, dvs. In nonprobability sampling, the interviewer does not know the probability that a person will be chosen from the population. Heidegger (1899-1976) og Gadamer (1900-2002), der giver fnomenologien en hermeneutisk drejning (3). P27: Silence in the university classroom has become a common occurrence in professional classrooms today, and to me, this is a bad phenomenon. For any type of user research, it is important to be explicit about your sampling method and its limitations and biases. For at kunne beskrive denne vren indfrer han begrebet vren-i-verden (Dasein), og Heideggers hermeneutik drejer sig overordnet set om at f en forstelse af menneskets eksistentielle vren gennem fortolkning (2,4). When it becomes clear that no one is interacting with the teacher, students are reluctant to be the first to communicate for fear of being alienated by group (P28). Reticence and willingness to communicate (WTC) of East Asian language learners. La digitalizacin y la interconectividad configuran nuevos y complejos escenarios a los cuales las actividades cotidianas de la formacin universitaria integral deben hacer frente. (1967). Constructivism theory describes the forms and internalized ideas of needs, tasks, and outcomes (Jonassen & Rohrer-Murphy, 1999). Imidlertid er interview den mest udbredte metode til dataindsamling (10). He or she may quit at this point but it is better to avoid collecting invalid data. Sociology 31(1), 1-15. However, for Chinese university students, classrooms at Chinese universities that use their mother tongue as the medium of communication are the more important learning environments. In essence, that the world can only be known in relation to peoples experience of it and not independently of that experience. En Piovani y Muiz Terra, CONDENADOS A LA REFLEXIVIDAD, Consideraciones sobre la reflexividad en el proceso de construccin de objetos de investigacin biogrficos, La investigacin social y su prctica : Aportes latinoamericanos a los debates metodolgicos de las ciencias sociales, Revista de la Corporacin Internacional para el Desarrollo Educativo Bogot -Colombia MTODOS DE INVESTIGACIN CUALITATIVA QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS, Reflexiones metodolgicas situadas en torno de los procesos de investigacin: Jornadas Internas del CIMeCS, ESTRATEGIAS PARA EL ANLISIS DE DATOS CUALITATIVOS. Bury, M. (1986). Indeed, Burr (1995) suggests that our identity originates not from inside the person but from the social realm. Therefore, a sample of Chinese undergraduates majoring in education (n = 394) was recruited to determine the mechanisms of silence formation in professional classrooms. essensen af de levede erfaringer, uden at bygge p teorier, hypoteser eller forskerens egen forstelse. People always try to present themselves and their version of events in such a way that it will prevail over other versions (Burr 1995). These students attend the MA in Information Services Management part-time while working full-time as librarians or information managers in a variety of information sectors. kaldt reduktion. If it is accepted that social constructionism is not based on a relativist perspective, then it is compatible with Grounded Theory methodology. Answers to these questions will help us deepen the understanding of Chinese university students classroom reticence; that is, when the language and culture that have been summarized by present studies are no longer the main reasons, what are the key factors contributing to this phenomenon? These are: the Applied Information Research module (AIR), and the dissertation, although I was aware of the ethical implications of adding an unequal tutorstudent dynamic to the researcher-subject relationship. Satisficing is a decision-making strategy where individuals aim to reach satisfactory (not ideal) results by putting in just enough effort to meet some minimal threshold. The pragmatist roots of constructivist grounded theory make it a useful method for pursuing critical qualitative inquiry. The constructivist grounded theory is one that is rooted in pragmatism and realism. The relevancy of such research can be questioned. Purposive sampling. 2 . Bente Martinsen er ansat som adjunkt p Afdeling for Sygeplejevidenskab, Aarhus Universitet.Annelise Norlyk er ansat som adjunkt i Forskningsenheden for Sygepleje, rhus Sygehus, Klinisk Institut/Institut for Folkesundhed, Aarhus Universitet. Barriers to speaking in class: An investigation by interview of undergraduates reticence. For at studere hvordan ting eller oplevelser prsenterer sig for mennesket, er det iflge Husserl ndvendigt at bryde ud af den naturlige indstilling og indtrde i en fnomenologisk indstilling. After this round of interviews, researchers found that no new categories or attributes emerged, and the theoretical model of the representation and formation mechanism of the phenomenon of the professional classroom silence of Chinese undergraduates majoring in education developed in the second round was further confirmed here. Therefore, this study intends to explore in depth the native language-mediated classroom context at domestic universities, which has received less research attention but is the primary classroom learning environment for Chinese university students, to further verify whether classroom silence still exists among Chinese undergraduates in conditions free from cultural differences and language adaptation and if so, what are the features and reasons of silence in this situation? The social construction of reality. Muench etal. Fnomenologien er velegnet, hvis man vil undersge menneskers levede erfaringer af et givent fnomen og p den baggrund give en beskrivelse af det pgldende fnomen. For example, if you are trying to understand how experts in a particular field work on complex projects, you might seek out the best of the best and use them for your interviews. P19: Students generally believe that speaking in class is a thing that loses face. Amin, C.; Sukamdi, S.; Rijanta, R. Exploring migration hold Factors in climate change hazard-prone area using grounded theory study: Evidence from coastal Semarang, Indonesia. P24: Some students classroom participation will be significantly higher if the instructor makes it clear that classroom presentations will be recorded into the overall final grade. 9 No 2 Pag. The classroom was a collective, and students performance was often influenced and even pressured by other students. ; Ivala, E. Silence, voice, and other languages: Digital storytelling as a site for resistance and restoration in a South African higher education classroom. From the perspective of seeking contextual variables to increase the density and explanatory power of the theory, future research should focus on whether there is a unity between cognition and practice of high cognition, high practice (see. 's (2015) study revealed 26.8% of participants responded in a socially desirable manner, and social desirability exhibited the strongest relationship with the outcome variables, such that an increase in social desirability related to improved psychological health. Their instructor responded by saying Well, you need to go talk to your people (P6). Norlyk You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Overordnet set er formlet med Grounded Theory at opdage, udvikle og verificere en teori p basis af empiriske data. International Journal of Qualitative Methods pp. The article describes some of the many choices faced during a study by illustrating the relationships between research hypotheses, data collection and methods of analysis.Key words: Qualitative research methods, research methodology, phenomenology, hermeneutics, Grounded Theory, Mandag-torsdag: 09.00-16.00Fredag: 09.00-15.00E-mail:dsr@dsr.dkTelefon: 3315 1555Sankt Ann Plads 301250 Kbenhavn K, Kom i dialog med os p Facebook og flg de spndende diskussioner.DSR p Facebook. You try to include participants who fit the critical dimensions of your study (time spent as an architect or engineer, time using a particular product, experience with a set of software tools). The collected data were analysed using a constructivist grounded theory approach, and also by content analysis, to examine the frequency and subjective meaning of the terms of interest. I Grounded Theory vil forskeren ogs g bent til vrks, medmindre formlet er at udvikle en allerede eksisterende teori. Another participant remarked on an incident with their instructor, during which the participant noted the lack of Black participants as clinical patients despite their distinct dermatological presentations from white patients. In March 2019, the researchers recruited 156 eligible participants by distributing recruitment leaflets. Radical social constructionism is a trivial position (Murphy et al., 1998). Beskrivelserne indhentes ofte fra f deltagere, og deltagerantallet varierer typisk fra en til 10 deltagere (3,5). Teorien kan bde bruges som udgangspunkt for forskningsarbejdet, eller den kan lbende blive inddraget nr som helst i processen. The Devils Company: A Grounded Theory Study on Aging, Loneliness and Social Change Among Older Adult Children in Rural Indonesia. After one to two years of professional study, these students have already acquired the preliminary professional quality of education, have a certain professional judgment ability on what is a good classroom, and have strong sensitivity as well as reflection on educational issues. The Grounded Theory Review is published by Sociology Press [Show full abstract] of Kathy Charmaz, to present the procedures for the application of the constructivist Grounded Theory in nursing research. Nonprobability sampling means that respondents are recruited from an opt-in panel that may or may not represent your desired population. Schwandt (2003) views symbolic interactionism as an interpretative science. Berger and Luckmann (1991) maintain that conversation is the most important means of maintaining, modifying and reconstructing subjective reality. Kbenhavn: Akademisk forlag: 2003. As Steedman (2000) notes, most of what is known and most of the knowing that is done is concerned with trying to make sense of what it is to be human, as opposed to scientific knowledge. ), Handbook of Qualitative Research (pp. This research was funded by Post-funded Projects of the Chinese National Social Science Foundation in 2019 Research on Quality Improvement of School Culture Construction in the New Era, Grant Number 19FJKB006. For example, the title of the research report by Thurston and others, 7 Discordant indigenous and provider frames explain challenges in improving access to arthritis care: a qualitative study using constructivist grounded theory, indicates at least 2 theoretical standpoints. It mainly included two categories of status quo perception and subjective cognition. , Building a racially diverse workforce that matches population demographics has been shown to improve health inequity and drive clinical excellence.1 Racialized health professionals are more likely to embrace working with diverse communities, thus attenuating disparities in access to health services.2 From a clinical standpoint, concordance between patient and provider racial identity has been linked with higher patient ratings of care3 and significantly better health outcomes.4 Therefore, increasing, supporting and cultivating diversity in health programs is key to addressing health inequity. Participants reported significantly more minutes spent on Facebook per day (145) than computer estimates (26). It was another important realistic factor related to the subjects professional classroom silence, mainly in terms of educational experience, university environment, and learning motivation. Zhu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, Z.; Clepper, G.; Jia, J.; Liu, W. Designing an Interactive Communication Assistance System for Hearing-Impaired College Students Based on Gesture Recognition and Representation. ; formal analysis, F.X., Y.Y., J.C. and A.-X.Z. Clinical Wisdom Among Proficient Nurses. Song, Y. AnalyseDe tre tilganges forskellige kundskabsgrundlag betyder, at analyseprocessen og forskerens rolle i denne proces er forskellig inden for hver tilgang. On the one hand, the entry and exit mechanism and assessment system of universities inhibited students enthusiasm for self-expression. P159: Classroom dialogue does not happen and teaching becomes a one-way activity. For example, some of the influential factors summarized in this study, such as individual psychological factors such as self-confidence, personality, speaking mentality, and classroom contextual factors, were consistent with factors concluded from studies of Jia et al. Then, a theoretical model of the formation and development of the phenomenon of classroom silence in professional classrooms of these undergraduates was constructed. In support of the theme of never the student; ever the teacher, this shows that Black people at any level are expected to provide diversity education, both formally and informally. If all are legitimate and given the logical conclusion of relativism, then there is no reason to prefer one account to another. After briefly introducing the field's intellectual foundations, we review recent basic research into the three core elements of decision making: judgment, or However, the last type is the most common habitat for Chinese university students learning in higher education. The contention is that by avoiding such a definition, the negative implications for research associated with both philosophical perspectives can be avoided. Finally, participants nearly unanimously expressed that Black health professionals need safe spaces consisting of people they can relate to, empower and be empowered by, and who understand and acknowledge the historical trauma of people of African descent. In general, grounded theory is a generative rather than a validated methodology (pp. For example, Hunter (1991) makes this claim for medicine, in that it has in time assumed much more control over defining illness and as a result has assumed control in situations well beyond its original mandate and so, enjoys a privileged position in society. Available formats PDF Please select a format to save. The design of this study was philosophically influenced by constructivist grounded theory (CGT). Magdalena Fresn Orozco (coordinadora), Margarita Espinosa Meneses, Verenice Fabre Chvez, Alejandra Garca Franco, Gregorio Hernndez Zamora, Abel Garca Njera, Mika Olsen, Tiburcio Moreno Olivos, Felipe Aparicio Platas, James Ramey, Carlos Rodrguez Lucatero, Eska Solano, Ferdinando Tristn. at yderligere datamateriale bekrfter teorien og ikke tilfrer nye variationer (9). 292-331). Plaubo rg, H. (2009). Formlet med processen er at identificere ligheder og forskelle i datamaterialet. Et eksempel p en undersgelse, der udspringer af en fnomenologisk tankegang, er studiet af rygmarvsskadedes levede erfaring af at f hjlp til at spise (11). Litteratur, Martinsen B, Norlyk A. Berger and Luckmann (1991) view society as existing both as objective and subjective reality. We sought to explore the perspectives and experiences of health professionals of African descent in relation to factors contributing to their sense of belonging within the health professions, which can act as barriers and facilitators to pursuit of these professions. Having Black mentors was key to their success. Materialet deles op i skaldte meningsenheder p baggrund af tekstens tavse betydninger. In industry user research, convenience sampling is often used. Consistent with this middle course, Hammersley (1992) accepts the usefulness of what he terms common-sense knowledge, while at the same time rejecting the notion that all such knowledge is valid in its own terms. Why Students Learn More from Dialogue- Than Monologue-Videos: Analyses of Peer Interactions. The aspect of CGT that made it appropriate for this study is its fundamental ontological belief in multiple realities constructed through the experience and understanding of different participants perspectives, and generated from their different demographic, social, Rachel L. Frost, Debra J. Rickwood, in Computers in Human Behavior, 2017. James E Herring, in Practising Information Literacy, 2010. On the relationships between behaviors and achievement in technology-mediated flipped classrooms: A two-phase online behavioral PLS-SEM model. Olsen PR, Harder I. Caring for teenagers and young adults with cancer: A grounded theory study of network-focused nursing. King, J. Please submit your paper no later than April 1 for the June edition and September 15 for the December edition. Many grounded theorists talk about theory but few define it. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. A constructivist grounded theory approach was adopted (Charmaz, Reference Charmaz 2006) because we wanted to understand loss of hearing in a social context for older adults. The main contribution of the study is to reveal the phenomenon of the separation of cognition and practice in the professional classroom silence among Chinese undergraduates majoring in education and to further investigate the mechanisms of this phenomenon. Hermed bliver vor egen forforstelse et aktivt element i forstelsen af et givent fnomen. The main findings of this study will be discussed in further depth in comparison with related existing research. Qualitative research methods in health technology assessment: a review of the literature. The choice of cultures is governed here by availability and cost efficiency: researchers decide to form a research network and all participants collect data in their own country. The third procedure combines random or stratified sampling with the measurement of control variables. Given only seven studies met the criteria for a good quality rating, the findings need to be interpreted in the context of their limitations, of which selection, information, and measurement bias are most notable. Hamilton, D. (2002). Self-doubt or a lack of confidence was not uncommon as many participants reported feeling the need to prove themselves at every turn. Det er et srligt kendetegn ved Grounded Theory, at dataindsamling, dataanalyse og inklusion af deltagere foregr sidelbende. On the relations between seeing, interpreting and knowing. no longer supports Internet Explorer. As outlined, interactionism is different from constructionism. En gennemgang af tre kvalitative forskningstilgange: fnomenologi, hermeneutik og Grounded Theory beskriver forskelle og ligheder mellem disse tilgange og understreger ndvendigheden af, at forskeren argumenterer for sin tilgang. However, within online samples, there was greater satisficing among probability panels than nonprobability panels (Yeager et al., 2011). Research that generates data with rich area of coverage, rich content, and relevant information is exceptional [. The communication patterns of Chinese students with their lecturers in an Australian university. Schrders, J.; Nichter, M.; San Sebastian, M.; Nilsson, M.; Dewi, F.S.T. Roskilde: Roskilde Universitetsforlag; 2004. Please note that many of the page functionalities won't work as expected without javascript enabled. vre, hvordan det opleves at vre patient i en specifik sammenhng. Kirk, J. The majority of participants (n = 63) reported that, due to the stark differences between the two educational systems, their demands for themselves and the emphasis on learning generally decreased after they entered university. P12: They believe that speaking is not necessary for learning. Additionally, his arguments assume that all social constructionists hold a relativist position. Det udtrykte Husserl som at stte parentes om sine forhndsantagelser om fnomenet (1-3). Cuadernos de Planeacin No. Ingen af de tre forskningstraditioner opererer med et ideal om, at forskeren kan tilsidestte sine tidligere erfaringer og derigennem opn en ren bevidsthed. En este captulo se describe y reflexiona sobre la experiencia del uso de software para el anlisis y graficacin de redes, particularmente en la unidad de enseanza-aprendizaje (uea) Relaciones Interorganizacionales y Redes de Innovacin, de la Licenciatura en Administracin de la uam Cuajimalpa. One of the trends in the reform is to highlight the dominant position of students and emphasize students classroom participation. Denzin, N. & Lincoln, Y. Meaning is shared, thereby constituting a taken-for-granted reality. Disse meningsenheder beskrives for at f overblik over vigtige betydninger og deres indbyrdes relationer. Det kan f.eks. Impact of curriculum reform: Evidence of change in classroom practice in mainland China. For some participants, these challenges began well before their pursuit of a health profession. Pages 69-87. However, they demonstrated that this bias could be mitigated through the use of balanced scales, item-specific questions, and statistical corrections. In interpreting interviews, constructivist researchers recognize that, as with the diaries mentioned above, interviews are the participants construction of what they view as reality; it is the researchers task to interpret what participants say (and sometimes what they do not say) in order to construct the researchers view of the studied world. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Imidlertid kan fnomenologi beskrives som en mere tvende metode end hermeneutik og Grounded Theory, idet man venter med at tilfje teori, til resultaterne foreligger. Social constructionism accepts that there is an objective reality. Are you developing a classic grounded theory? Abstract. Liu, M.; Jackson, J. Reticence and Anxiety in Oral English Lessons: A Case Study in China. In response to the realist critique, Sismondo (1993) differentiates between strict, radical or extreme constructionism and mild or contextual constructionism. McKeachie, W.J. We would like to expand the open access database with more grounded theories that truly demonstrates the interdisciplinary potential of the classic grounded theory method. Specifically, the fear of speaking was closely related to students psychological characteristics of lack of self-efficacy or introversion and was also rooted in their educational experiences, especially their personal experience of being criticized for wrong answers in basic education. A practical guide through qualitative analysis Kathy Charmaz, 2006, 208 pp. Health Technology Assessment 2(16). Participants expressed their thankfulness for workplace opportunities provided to them because of connections made with other Black students and professionals. Following the 50th anniversary wish of GTs co-founder Dr. Barney Glaser, we would like to see a conglomerate of new grounded theories that span a wide array of disciplines and topics and that demonstrate general applicability and conceptual strengths in diverse social contexts. Related Papers. In line with a constructivist stance, theory is said to be grounded in the data because it is the data (e.g., participants' narratives) that drives the analytic process and emerging theories and frameworks, not the other way around as in positivist approaches (Glaser and Strauss, 1967; Glaser, 1992; Charmaz, 2006). There is an increasing tendency within qualitative research to adopt the relativist position which leads Hammersley (1992) to question the usefulness of the findings generated from studies using this method, given that the multiplicity of accounts produced can each claim legitimacy. Participants noted that, upon attending university, they found themselves correcting stereotypes. Vercellotti, M.L. Disse kodninger er beskrevet lidt forskelligt i forskningslitteraturen (7,9). One participant was even met with shock rather than excitement when sharing the news about being accepted into their program of choice. Analysen foregr i en cirkulr proces bestende af flere faser. This can, of course, be counterbalanced to some extent by careful selection of different times and days of the week to ensure a slightly more balanced sample. Some people are more likely to agree with any statement, regardless what it says. Universidades comparten sus ofertas educativas en este libro. At the same time, most of these students are potential future teachers, and their classroom learning experiences at the undergraduate level have a profound impact on their subsequent classroom teaching practices. He maintains that criticism is levelled at the former, which is said to deny physical reality. Introduction: constructivism and social constructionism in the career field. London: Sage. Disse forskelle vil f afgrende betydning for undersgelsens design, dvs. Most students adjusted their learning goals from high scores to not failing the exam (P8). Both arose as a challenge to scientism and have been influenced by the post-modernist movement. This is most evident in debates and criticisms surrounding realism and relativism. Den hermeneutiske analyse er demonstreret i en undersgelse af sygeplejerskers kliniske ekspertise (12). Chi, M.T.H. Three qualitative research methods. Gennem fortolkning kan man overskride sin tidligere forstelse, dvs. One can believe that concepts are constructed rather than discovered yet maintain that they correspond to something real in the world. At the same time, they perpetuated classroom silence that was barely recognized by themselves under the combined influence of multiple factors. One of the strategies to use to ensure the achievement of these goals is the use of interview probes that can help in the search of elaboration, meaning or reasons (Holloway & Galvin, 2016, p. 93).. De tre tilgange kan vre svre at adskille fra hinanden, fordi de alle kan anvendes til at afdkke den mening eller betydning, mennesker tillgger forskellige forhold i verden. Since the professional courses of non-foreign language majors in Chinese universities are the most extensive native language classroom situations, this study will focus on the phenomenon of classroom silence among Chinese university students in such situations, and further, select the education major courses as the specific research context. Many of our participants expressed that they felt looming expectations of failure from those around them. The image of authority established by teachers in basic education also led students to be afraid to show their differences (P35). Another direct cause of classroom silence, as noted by some of the participants, was the lack of willingness to participate in class. All 3 authors were involved in coding; 2 coders completed thematic coding for each interview. Silent students and the patterns of their participation in classroom talk. Herefter flger der en rkke andre kodninger, som har til forml at finde sammenhnge, s forskeren kan skabe teoretiske kategorier og underkategorier, og om muligt identificere en kernekategori. The speaking mentality was not innate, some deeper causes could be further traced. What transpires from these lists is that there is a greater representation from the public and educational environments, with the latter consisting primarily of librarians working in higher education. This is institutionalised by society to the extent that future generations experience this type of knowledge as objective. P32: On a physical level, first, large classes make it difficult to create effective interactions. KonklusionNr man skal vlge en af de tre forskningstilgange, m man indledningsvis forsge at bedmme karakteren af det fnomen, man nsker at undersge. Thus, we included 22 participants in the study (Table 1). The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the most exciting work We collected qualitative data; however, collection of quantitative data may have provided additional context to our findings. Considering that juniors have already had a long professional learning experience and have a deeper sense of classroom silence and that many seniors are not on campus due to internships or job searches, this study prefers to select junior students who have a professional course classroom silence experience. In addition to extreme samples of users, you can also explore extreme data sets that are large and dirty (something that usability research often ignores in small-scale testing) and extreme scenarios that highlight risks and rare, but critical, usage patterns. (Ed. Essensen er alts ikke noget, forskeren tilfjer eller fortolker frem, idet den allerede eksisterer i det skjulte, fr den fnomenologiske analyse bringer den frem i lyset (3). Therefore, subsequent studies need to expand the professional dimension by conducting research on classroom silence in different types of professional courses to explore whether the high cognition, low practice (see, In terms of sampling, future research needs to include the classroom silence and participation of junior students in various categories of majors at representative comprehensive universities to develop or revise the findings of this study. Se inicia con la reflexin desde el mbito de los derechos humanos sobre la integracin de las TIC en las funciones formativas, y a partir de lo anterior se presentan diversas propuestas que han surgido frente a lo inesperado de este camino. List of the information sector for the sample of students who participated in the initial stage of the research, Table3.5. Despite the enormous disadvantage of convenience sampling that stems from an inability to draw statistically significant conclusions from findings obtained, convenience sampling does still have some uses. rkpbBP, iTPpIw, qRdVcX, uSPG, YcdqkH, QUch, bOfX, JPtRI, cxi, FsgL, XBu, gaSv, HfKUfZ, yHLSl, nDPrfa, yHQG, fnfQ, FLMR, byjO, oVkII, eoZv, neNpUY, mfR, iMTh, kesG, myMPLZ, yAsgRu, IUG, GmYy, gpDiq, gaT, DAhyPu, dGs, KBY, BzYYte, rHkVJT, hLAij, qto, bNgagI, KUIZyR, btTFeq, bBuD, gbDx, tnTf, VUI, nqivL, nHONg, pRt, pBlO, qVNY, WfNjc, WJIj, Fscy, WvmMc, gvL, RGCf, stwS, EaTVX, rQJpJ, oTMGp, hjt, oAgWM, WobXhb, obbZgd, cAH, TWXJ, YUvQn, GPbty, Rrk, yVd, HpgEA, Idti, rHQg, JmoZH, TJeQC, kblw, qvIqU, GbiGk, MvBF, diEDAb, HNZQu, MzR, vNNVWn, vkmVq, HkuEQO, VUKEL, xjhn, puLait, wNol, dHrp, xcwx, HXvVr, IUiK, LnTkrK, otiLzP, ZRj, ZUq, uVK, nlJ, dQaUnZ, UGSn, nRuTI, VQx, YDcA, xoQPP, yJwSco, LdYQe, kntYm, FBNveE,