Berkeley, California, United States; . How could it be that everything we were told is not only wrong, but often the opposite of the truth?"4. NIEHS provides federal research funding in the form of grants to universities and other research organizations for research projects, small business awards, research center funding, training and career development, loan repayment programs, and other research projects and activities. Another reason to be skeptical about the "new framework" is the possibility that reactors in both North and South Korea could be deliberately or inadvertently struck in the event of military conflict. Schroders research shows that ESG indices outperform mainstream indices with the FTSE 100 - ESG Leaders index returning -27.3% in the period compared with -33.7% for the FTSE 100 index 5. "8 Again we see Shellenberger's M.O. Report to the General Assembly Scientific Annex A: Levels and Effects of Radiation Exposure Due to the Nuclear Accident After the 2011 Great East-Japan Earthquake and Tsunami",, 36. International Atomic Energy Agency, 2015, The Fukushima Daiichi Accident: Report by the Director General,, 37., The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) is a nonprofit environmental group known for its advocacy for public policies concerning global warming and a left-wing political agenda. This was particularly the case for settlements within the 20-km evacuation zone and the deliberate evacuation zones, where the protective measures reduced the potential exposures in the first year by up to a factor of 10. Apply now; Life at EDF; Diversity, equity and inclusion . San Fransicko has received similarly strong pre-publication reviews, with Pulitzer-winning historian Richard Rhodes describing it as outstanding and myth-shattering, Harvard Universitys Steven Pinker calling it humane and reasoned, and Yales Sally Satel saying it is compassionate, pragmatic, and truly indispensable.. The Environment Fund, established already in 1973 by the UN General Assembly, is the core financial fund of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). [2] This establishes the tie between Charles Koch . Track . The following article was written by Michael Shellenberger and was published at Environmental Progress: America's leading climate and environmental groups including Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Energy Foundation, and Environmental Defense Fund have not responded to repeated queries about evidence that China is forcing Uyghur Muslims to make the solar panels that the three groups . Public revelation of the scandal was a triumph for a small number of whistleblowers; it was deeply embarrassing for the regulator. In an article for a South Korean newspaper, Shellenberger states: "Should we be surprised that natural gas companies fund many of the anti-nuclear groups that spread misinformation about nuclear? EP produced a video promoting nuclear power in South Korea. Peter Gleick claims, "if Malthusians are wrong, all they would have done is made the world a better place." But in Apocalypse Never I show that, for Malthusians, making the world a "better place" has meant letting the poor starve, keeping poor nations dependent on wood fuel, and diverting World Bank funding from dams, roads, and fertilizer for development to charitable endeavors like . Civilization depends on cheap energy, economic growth, stable government, democracy, freedom, and equal justice under the law. 1 June 2017, 'US-Korea Letter', They support scientific research and use technology and brilliant story-telling for the conservation of forests, oceans, habitats, species and . But FOE and Greenpeace had nothing to do with the production of the Pandora film! And he testifies and advises governments around the world including in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. But LNT may also underestimate the risks. Windward Fund (for Hive Fund for Climate & Gender Justice) Washington, DC. Environmental Progress (EP) was founded in 2016 with the mission of achieving nature and prosperity for all. Nuclear Monitor #804, 28 May 2015, 'The myth of the peaceful atom',, 27. Where's the evidence? We are motivated by our care for people and nature and thus the institutions, including cities, and values, including rule of law, public health, and public order, which make them livable. Mycle Schneider, Antony Froggatt et al., 2016, World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2016, or direct download: Twenty timesa year, since 1978. An anti-nuclear Goliath with 500 times EP's budget of US$1.5 million, or US$750 million in annual expenditure on anti-nuclear campaigns? Environmental Progress (EP) is a research and policy organization fighting for clean power and energy justice to achieve nature and prosperity for all. It is to see an energy source that has been steadily providing low-carbon electricity for decadesdoing vastly more good than harm, saving vastly more lives than it has takenbut which has received little credit and instead been maligned. Greenwashing is a term that has been around for a long time. Michael D. Shellenberger (born June 16, 1971) is an American author and former public relations professional whose writing has focused on the intersection of climate change, the environment, nuclear power, and politics, and more recently on how he believes progressivism is linked to homelessness, drug addiction, and mental illness.He is a co-founder of the Breakthrough Institute, co-founder of . The WHO report concluded that for people in the most contaminated areas in Fukushima Prefecture, the estimated increased risk for all solid cancers will be around 4% in females exposed as infants; a 6% increased risk of breast cancer for females exposed as infants; a 7% increased risk of leukaemia for males exposed as infants; and for thyroid cancer among females exposed as infants, an increased risk of up to 70% (from a 0.75% lifetime risk up to 1.25%).32, Applying a linear-no threshold (LNT) risk factor to the estimated collective radiation dose from Fukushima fallout gives an estimated long-term cancer death toll of around 5,000 people.33 Nuclear lobbyists are quick to point out that LNT may overestimate risks from low dose and low dose-rate exposure. Instead, the EP report asserts that "replacing the nation's nuclear plants would require a significant increase in coal and/or natural gas".3 But the 2030 targets have the growth in renewable electricity generation comfortably ahead of the reduction in nuclear power. Percentage calculated by determining federal funding to environment category as share of total Department of Public Health and Environment budget. Data for Progress finds Democrats are strongly associated with issues related to funding social programs, protecting the environment, and expanding healthcare. But a 2014 parliamentary audit revealed that some officials fired from KEPCO Engineering and Construction were rehired.17 And the New York Times reported that despite the government's pledge to impose a 10-year ban on suppliers found to have falsified documents, KHNP imposed a six-month ban.18 The New York Times continued: "And nuclear opponents say that more fundamental changes are needed in the regulatory system, pointing out that one of the government's main regulating arms, the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, gets 60 percent of its annual budget from Korea Hydro [& Nuclear]. January. Invest directly in companies, with opportunities to: Scale new innovative solutions in the market. The Phillips Fund, administrated by Kent Community Foundation, offer grants of up to 1,000 to a wide variety of projects which aim to protect, conserve and enhance the use and character of the rural landscape and its communities. where they can easily share updates and stories of their project's progress and connect with similar projects. Prominent nuclear lobbyists are now openly talking about the connections between nuclear power (and related industries) and weapons production in order to boost the case for further subsidies to support the 'civil' nuclear industry, particularly in the US.27 It seems Shellenberger didn't get the memo. of relentless repetition of falsehoods in the hope that mud will stick. David Brenner et al., 2003, 'Cancer risks attributable to low doses of ionizing radiation: Assessing what we really know', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, November 25, 2003, vol.100, no.24, pp.1376113766,, 43. By Abby Rabinowitz. Humans are fallible and so we are fallible. The Environment Fund is a true green . Reductions at this scale are producing the same 20-year climate benefit as . Yet EP asserts that Greenpeace and FOE "oppose cheap and abundant energy"3 and Shellenberger asserts that "the FOE-Greenpeace agenda has never been to protect humankind but rather to punish us for our supposed transgressions. With its experience, expertise, dynamic programmes and forward-thinking strategy, and with its dedicated staff, UNEP is uniquely positioned to be your partner in addressing and reversing the triple planetary crisis. As for Shellenberger's claims about proliferation on the Korean peninsula, he ignores the fact that North Korea uses what is calls an 'experimental power reactor' (based on the UK Magnox power reactor design) to produce plutonium for weapons.28 He ignores the fact that North Korea acquired enrichment technology from Pakistan's A.Q. Departures from a linear model at low doses, however, could either increase or decrease the risk per unit dose. | . Ian Fairlie, 2 April 2014, 'New UNSCEAR Report on Fukushima: Collective Doses', He has helped save nuclear reactors around the world, fromIllinoisandNew YorktoSouth KoreaandTaiwan, thereby preventing an increase in air pollution equivalent to adding over24 million carsto the road. The "new framework" is much the same as the old 1994 Agreed Framework, which was a complete failure., UNEP monitors the state and health of the planet, ensures that science remains at the centre of decision-making processes, and that environmental rule of law continues to underpin global environmental governance. The Environment Fund is UNEP's core source of flexible funds,providingthe bedrock of the work worldwide. 14. 45. Shellenbergers 2020 best-selling book, Apocalypse Never, received stronger positive reviews and sales than any environmental book in recent memory. Fiji has an abundance of natural resources, and lacks the intense demographic, economic and industrial pressures that cause many serious environmental issues. UNSCEAR, 2014, "Sources, Effects and Risks of Ionizing Radiation. Volume I. National Research Council of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Board on Radiation Research Effects, 2006, "Health Risks from Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR VII Phase 2)", or 35. 6,022 Number of Organizations $5.4B Total Funding Amount 1,335 Number of Investors. EP's campaign has involved a blizzard of misinformation and relentless, dishonest attacks against environment groups, particularly Friends of the Earth (FOE) and Greenpeace. Democrats are also linked to raising taxes on the wealthy and large corporations, which 70 percent of voters associate with the Democratic Party and 12 percent associate with the . He claims that "a nuclear phase-out in South Korea would destroy one of the best means of creating peace with North Korea" because it would compromise South Korea's ability to promote the development of nuclear power in North Korea.4, A sign-on letter initiated by EP advocates a new framework agreement involving US and South Korean support for the development of nuclear power in North Korea, in return for North Korea accepting IAEA inspections of its nuclear program, ending its missile tests and limiting its nuclear arsenal.24. The American environment and energy commentator and nuclear power supporter Michael Shellenberger was the provider. "On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologise . Donations are tax . August 2021, the U.N. issued a climate change report that "unequivocally" blamed humans for causing global warming and warned that future climate disruption is now a certainty. . Shellenberger claims that Greenpeace has annual income of US$400 million to finance its work in 55 nations8 but he doesn't note that only a small fraction of that funding is directed to anti-nuclear campaigns. Box 8538, Albany, CA 94707, United States. "4 And Shellenberger suggests that such views are still current by asserting that the anti-nuclear movement has a "long history ofMalthusian anti-humanismaimed at preventing "overpopulation" and "overconsumption" by keeping poor countries poor. There is no reason to believe the North Korean regime would limit let alone abandon its nuclear weapons program if other nations helped the regime develop nuclear power plants (or other types of power plants). ". Environmental funds typically focus on companies that manage environmental issues well - although the way they approach this varies. We must urgently transform our economies and societies and our relationship with nature. In an 'investigative piece' titled 'Enemies of the Earth: Unmasking the Dirty War Against Clean Energy in South Korea by Friends of the Earth (FOE) and Greenpeace' Shellenberger lists three groups which he claims have accepted donations "from fossil fuel and renewable energy investors, as well as others who stand to benefit from killing nuclear plants".4 FOE and Greenpeace don't feature among the three groups even though the 'investigative piece' is aimed squarely at them. Given the magnitude of corruption in the nuclear industry arising from its intrinsic nature of being closed, the first step toward safety should be to break the deep-seated food chain created by the so-called nuclear mafia, which will help enhance transparency ultimately. Transfer funds and prepare invoices. Environmental Progress (EP) was founded in 2016 with the mission of achieving nature and prosperity for all. 34. Nuclear Technology, Innovation & Economics, Homelessness, Crime, Drugs - Charts & Graphs, received similarly strong pre-publication reviews, The Activists Who Embrace Nuclear Power.. As good stewards of the environment, and through the hard work of Federal agencies to increase energy and water efficiency, increase the number of sustainable buildings, and effectively manage vehicle fleets, the Federal Government has achieved historic progress moving toward more cost-effective and efficient Federal operations under the Trump . In an August 2017 report, EP plugs in a bunch of false and arbitrary assumptions to concoct a scare-story in which the proposed changes to the power-generation mix cost a minimum of US$10 billion per year (to import gas and to build gas-fired power plants there is no costing for the replacement of aging reactors, apparently they will operate forever), result in thousands of avoidable deaths from air pollution, and increase carbon emissions by an amount equivalent to adding 1527 million cars.3. Christine Kim, 22 oct 2017, 'South Korea's president says will continue phasing out nuclear power', 2. 12 July 2017, 'Chosun Biz Interview with Michael Shellenberger', 41., 42. The Fund supports the implementation of several multilateral environmental agreements, and serves as a financial mechanism of the UN Framework . 21. Nuclear Monitor #844, 25 May 2017, 'South Korea's 'nuclear mafia'', However, if you're new to green giving, you . Likewise, a South Korean article39 reposted on the EP website (without correction) falsely claims that Shellenberger is a scientist; in fact, he has a degree in cultural anthropology. As . Instead of being the most dangerous energy source, it is one of the safest. Environmental . Michael Shellenberger's pro-nuclear lobby group 'Environmental Progress' (EP) is celebrating the decision to proceed with two partially-built reactors in South Korea. "3 But the UNSCEAR report didn't conclude that the vast majority of the Fukushima evacuation zone is safe or that nearly all residents could have returned long ago, and it didn't state that most evacuees should never have left.35 The UNSCEAR report states: "The actions taken to protect the public significantly reduced the radiation exposures that could have been received. Jim Green Nuclear Monitor editor, and national nuclear campaigner with Friends of the Earth Australia, Exposing the misinformation of Michael Shellenberger and 'Environmental Progress'.,,,,, Our strategy was to tell the truth about nuclear energy and the right of poor nations to cheap energy, and build a movement to defend both. A Clean Commitment. Michael Shellenberger, Mark Nelson, Madi Czerwinski, Michael Light, John Lindberg, and Minshu Deng / Environmental Progress, Aug 2017, 'The High Cost of Fear: Understanding the Costs and Causes of South Korea's Proposed Nuclear Energy Phase-Out', Environmental Progress is a nonprofit research and policy firm that services homelessness, crime, addiction, energy and environmental area. "43 By contrast, SARI promotes hormesis the discredited view that low-dose radiation exposure is beneficial to human health.44, Shellenberger reduces the complexities of environmental opposition to nuclear power to the claim that in the 1960s, an "influential group of conservationists within Sierra Club feared that cheap, abundant electricity from nuclear would result in overpopulation and resource depletion" and therefore decided to campaign against nuclear power.4. The Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF) is a national entity and an environmental fund located in Namibia. Shellenberger is a leading investigative journalist who has brokenmajor stories on crime and drug policy;homelessness;Amazon deforestation; risingclimate resilience; growingeco-anxiety; the U.S. governmentsrole in the fracking revolution; andclimate change and Californias fires. . Delivering Progress Every Day. Provide project financing to bring existing climate solutions to scale. Shellenberger says that at a recent talk in Berlin: "Many Germans simply could not believe how few people died and will die from the Chernobyl accident (under 200) and that nobody died or will die from the meltdowns at Fukushima. Fund environmental monitoring within communities WHEJAC Recommendation: "Fund environmental monitoring located inside communities exposed to pollution, along with funds for compliance . 4 lane ho slot car track layouts; porcupine puffer fish tank size; banquet sweet and sour chicken nutrition How Not to Deal with Climate Change, New York Times, June 30, 2016, Britain has a chance to rethink its nuclear energy policy :: March 30, 2017, Environmental Groups Change Tune on Nuclear Power :: June 16, 2016, Nuclear Plants, Despite Safety Concerns, Gain Support as Clean Energy Sources :: June 1, 2016, Climate Crowd Ignores a Scientific Fraud :: April 15, 2016, Closing This Nuclear Plant Could Cause an Environmental Disaster :: February 3, 2016, Yes, Nukes! For years, world leaders have accused Russia of funding environmental groups in Europe to steer nations away from energy independence and strengthen Russia's iron grip over the continent. Our designated funds are separate to our core work of operating, maintaining and improving England's strategic road network. Despite a nine percent increase in solar panels since 2015, electricity produced from solar power was slightly less (38.4 terawatt-hours) in 2017 than it was in in 2015 (38.7 terawatt-hours). And, according to Shellenberger, EP countered the "lies" of Friends of the Earth (FOE) and Greenpeace in "two investigative pieces and three separate open letters to President Moon and the citizens jury that were signed by climate scientists and environmentalists from around the world. Japan Times, 10 May 2017, 'The pendulum swings in South Korea', 13. Invest in emerging climate technology solutions that have early commercial traction and need capital to scale in the market. "4 But of course Moon Jae-in, FOE and Greenpeace had nothing to do with the evacuation of 160,000 people in the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster. Shellenberger thinks that supporting the development of nuclear power in North Korea is the key to peace on the Korean peninsula. They favour companies that pay dividends and have the potential to grow, as well as meeting their ethical guidelines. "4 Really? The source of the accusation isn't named perhaps it was Shellenberger himself! A citizens jury appointed by the government voted almost 60% in favor of completing the reactors. Community groups, New Brunswick local governments, First Nations, non-profit organizations, and institutions all shared their green ideas to make our communities a better place. Lindberg is an 'Associate Member' of Scientists for Accurate Radiation Information (SARI)40, a group comprised mostly of quacks, cranks, non-scientists and conspiracy theorists whose views are directly at odds with those of scientific associations such as UNSCEAR. Programming Research in Obesity, Growth, Environment and Social Stressors (PROGRESS) study is a collaboration between Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Harvard University and the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) in Mexico and is uniquely poised to conduct this research. 28. 5 July 2017, 'South Korea Letter',, 23. The deadline to apply is Monday, September 13 at 4pm . that's the difference between the amount of moisture the air actually. 3. "4, In fact, the connections between nuclear power (and associated industries such as enrichment and reprocessing) and weapons proliferation are well understood and there are countless real-world examples demonstrating the risks.26. Texas saw a dramatic increase in wind power since it introduced its competitive energy market the Electric . In addition, earmarked funds(funds given or "earmarked"to a specific project, theme, country etc.) 1. EPs Founder and President testifies regularly to governments around the world on energy and environmental policies. 39. They support a wide range of community and environmental projects . Michael Shellenberger's pro-nuclear lobby group 'Environmental Progress' (EP) is celebrating the decision to proceed with two partially-built reactors in South Korea. Without the best data and information it is impossible to make effective decisions, target drivers of change, hold decision makers accountable, and . 'Pandora's Promise Propaganda', Nuclear Monitor #764, 28 June 2013,, 11. But it's imperative to toughen penalties for them, considering that light punitive measures have stood behind the lingering corruption in the nuclear industry."19. In addition, earmarked funds (funds given or "earmarked" to a specific project, theme, country etc.) Oct 11, 2022. Shellenberger has been a climate and environmental activist for over 30 years. Khan network, who stole the blueprints from URENCO, the consortium that provides enrichment services for the nuclear power industry.28 He ignores the fact that North Korea's reprocessing plant is based on the design of the Eurochemic plant in Belgium, which provided reprocessing services for the nuclear power industry.28. $100,000. In October, EP wrote to the citizens jury tasked with deciding the fate of the two partially-built reactors (Shin Kori 5 and 6). Through Rural Utilities Service Water and Environmental Programs (WEP), rural communities obtain the technical assistance and financing necessary to develop drinking water and waste disposal systems. The 2006 report of the US National Academy of Sciences' Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR) states: "The committee recognizes that its risk estimates become more uncertain when applied to very low doses. Environmental Defense Fund was awarded $54,064,370 between 1986 and 2021, including 39 grants in Climate Solutions, . 'Pandora's Propaganda', Nuclear Monitor #773, 21 Nov 2013, Orientation of fellows and . . Projects must benefit the wider community and have public access. Separation and Recovery Systems, Inc. (SRS) of Irvine, California is the market leader in supplying hazardous waste and secondary material dewatering and drying services to the petroleum refining . of relentless repetition of falsehoods in the hope that some mud sticks. Se Young Jang, 8 Oct 2015, 'The Repercussions of South Korea's Pro-Nuclear Energy Policy', 18. On a 10-year basis, DSI has returned a . Climate records suggest the declines are associated with. Sixteen Thirty Fund (for Climate and Equity Action Fund) Washington, DC. Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) is one of the most influential anti-nuclear organizations in the United States with revenues of $158 million in 2016. EP states: "In 2013, the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) concluded that the vast majority of the Fukushima evacuation zone is safe and nearly all residents could have returned long ago indeed, most should never have left. And it is silent about the myriad benefits of expanding renewable power generation. Michael lives in Berkeley, California and travels widely. Main providers of earmarked funds include the Global Environment Facility, the Green Climate Fundand the European Commission. We think about psychology because it reminds us of our blind spots. With this new department, EPA is filling key gaps and taking a major stride in supporting and protecting every community, especially the communities to which the environmental movement is indebted." Dr. Margot Brown, Vice President of Justice & Equity at Environmental Defense Fund "Environmental justice starts and ends with communities. They provide ring-fenced funding that we use to invest in and support initiatives that deliver lasting benefits for road users, the environment and communities across England. enable UNEP to expand and replicate the programme in more countries and with more partners. It was established with a mandate of being a sustainable source of funding for the development and implementation of environmentally sustainable development projects and programmes in partnership with both public and private sector organizations. Since 1992, EPA has distributed between $2 and $3.5 million in grant funding per year, supporting more than 3,700 grants. 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