Then 12 over and over, then 11 over and over, then 17 over and over. Fresh revelation and divine strategy out of heaven is being released, pray and ask and expect revelation and nearness of his presence, the unknown is available to be known, pray for the hidden to be revealed, ASK God. Ive been seeing 8:18 a lot lately any explanation for this number? We rely on the most current and reputable sources, which are cited in the text and listed at the bottom of each article. Colonel Stephanie Sanderson. I like to write a little The information you give on this blog gives me so much insight into the numbers. This year is the 15th year of the 207th cycle. Thank you so much for writing this. If not may the Lord continue to bless and keep you as you continue on your journey to speak revelatory word to the people of God. I also ask for your Holy Spirit to come into my life and restore full connection of my heart to your heart, and I receive the gift of eternal purpose and life in you God. I also started seeing that about around that time because it was last year (2018). Thats a lot of you! A simple rule for determining whether a year is a leap year has been given above. Can you please hope me with this Seder (665) Passover (1690) I told them that she shall live and not die and declare the works of the Lord. During the Hellenistic Maccabean period, Seleucid era counting was used, at least in Land of Israel (under Greek influence at the time). So over the top today. And what does it mean when you say : come into the secret place? This period is fixed, during which no adjustments are made. Isaiah 11:11 In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people God is with his remnant.. My channel is Jesuswantsu on youtube or type in Nikki Pratt or Nikki Hall. God is revealing previously hidden pathways of breakthroughThe hidden Pathways of Breakthrough are being revealed. Popular baby names. There is an accusation circulating widely these days that the Jewish people are not really indigenous to Israel, but are actually white Europeans, descendants of an Eastern European people group called the Khazars, who have no business being in the Middle East. I found myself living in so much shame and guilt because of all of the crap that I had put others through including 3 wonderful sons. However, the Rabbinic and Samaritan calendars' cycles are not synchronized, so Samaritan festivalsnotionally the same as the Rabbinic festivals of Torah originare frequently one month off from the date according to the Rabbinic calendar. The day before I found this article, I saw a car with 1111 on the license plate on my way home from work. November 3, 2022 | 9 Cheshvan, 5783 | Torah Portion: Lech Lecha, Genesis 12:1-17:27 | Haftorah: Isaiah 40:27-41:16. Jewish Rabbinic Calnedar begins in Sept/Oct New Moon. Bless you! Take the next step. I even live near and pass mile marker 114, exit 114, highway 114 frequently. Its hot, but God is with you in the heat! I keep seeing the nbr 47 either by themselves or paired with another number all the time every day..I am also seeing 444 and sometimes 331. My son loves the Lord. I also felt that he wanted me to intercede for what was about to take place as I would feel like crying many times during these seven months. he dropped in my spirit dec of 2016 was 0554 and feb2017 it was 3543 .I dont understand. Eli can be a name on its own, but is also used as a short form of Elijah, Eliezer, Elizabeth, or Eliana. At first it was 1234 and what you said about those 4 numbers was spot on with everything else that I had found. Upon reading Isaiah 11:11, I began to weep because twice I have captured a picture of Gods hand reaching out across the sky in the form of a cloud. Enjoyed reading the article above, really explains everything in detail,the guide is extremely interesting and effective. Wow! I feel we all need to prepare ourselves because something is going to happen. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. I have encountered many who are experiencing the same thing and asking what is God saying?. [3] The origin is thought to be the Babylonian calendar.[3]. A new breed. Thank you for your blog on numbers. This is a work in progress and my discoveries so far. The Hebrew calendar is still widely acknowledged, appearing in public venues such as banks (where it is legal for use on cheques and other documents),[124][125] and on the mastheads of newspapers. I am hungry for separation, holiness, sanctification and righteousness. Psalm 91:11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.Angelic protection. israel united in christ is a non-violent bible based movement! It certainly lines up with what I have been experiencing. March 20, 2015 - First day of the Hebrew calendar year (Exo.12:1-2) - Total solar eclipse. Lunisolar calendar used for Jewish religious observances. [41] At that same time that Jesus breathed His last breath, the temple veil was rent. Thank you. If TM1 is Sunday, Wednesday or Friday, Rosh Hashanah in year 1 is postponed, so year 1 is not the maximum length. 77741 Pls help. Our High Priest today is Jesus Christ Who continues to intercede for the saints. Amen. Then 911, 44, 1010, 1111, 1212. positive whether or not this put up is written by means of him as nobody else know such precise approximately my trouble. People like myself are seeing these numbers and need an explanation! Would also love a prophetic word please if prompted. I wish I knew what 919 means and that someone would actually make sense of all of this, frankly, for Christians because there are nothing but new age sites online about this stuff. AdarI is actually considered to be the extra month, and has 30days. Thank you so much for your blog yours is the third confirmation. I instantly felt I wasnt alone in my problemand eventually I was delivered from it. Today I saw 11:11 again and found your website. Each of these patterns is called a keviyah (Hebrew: for 'a setting' or 'an established thing'), and is encoded as a series of two or three Hebrew letters. Thank you so much! Previous post: Is Jesus A Lunatic, Liar, or Lord? I have been scared of it in the past and actually had a nervous breakdown (unrelated to the numbers thing) a few years ago that landed me in the hospital. To calculate the day on which Rosh Hashanah of a given year will fall, it is necessary first to calculate the expected molad (moment of lunar conjunction or new moon) of Tishrei in that year, and then to apply a set of rules to determine whether the first day of the year must be postponed. This actually helped me and encouraged me to look deeper into what Yaweh is saying. No equinox or solstice will ever be more than a day or so away from its mean date according to the solar calendar, while nineteen Jewish years average 6939d 16h 33m 0313s compared to the 6939d 14h 26m 15s of nineteen mean tropical years. Can you help me understand what is being said to me? The veils being torn, by God Himself, symbolized the fact that mankinds separation from God had been removed by Jesus supreme sacrifice at Calvary. Thank you. 2 years now. God is good. [10][11] Florida law also encourages people to celebrate it, though it is not treated as a legal holiday. I headed to the hospital. Yesterday I saw 77 and 7777. Every time its in a random place, almost like it was highlighted for me to see. my name is Janea and I am 15 years old and about to be 16. Hi there, the number 6 can mean various things. 4 And Joseph too went up from Galilee from the town of Nazareth to Judea, to the city of David that is called Bethlehem, because he Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Unable to fall asleep, and just having open conversation with our loving Abba. When seen in sequence or with great regularity it often is a reminder that God is lining things up and bringing things into correct order. Man cannot stop what God had decreed. Its happened for her church x2! Jason. I keep seeing a 4 digit number (1804) but with different permutations. It marked the boundary between Gods pure holiness and the wickedness of mankind. 9928. Do you think it has anything to do with Our Fathers end time army, the harvest, or even His revivals??? I was so tired, so I thought, if it means anything, when I wake up tomorrow, Ill remember. I am not sure where you are getting your info, but great topic. The annual calendar of a numbered Hebrew year, displayed as 12 or 13 months partitioned into weeks, can be determined by consulting the table of Four gates, whose inputs are the year's position in the 19-year cycle and its molad Tishrei. I find peace in Him and seeing the numbers reminds me of that peace and how He is my Father, who is ultimately in control. Hebrew New Year (Tue ,March 15, 2021 at Night Fall) Chanakkah/Feast of Dedication (Tue, December 6, 2021 at Night Fall) Purim (Fri, Feb 25, 2022 and Sat, Feb 26, 2022) 2 Day Feast Holy Days Event Day Starting at Nightfall Passover/Pesach Preparation Day Mon. The holiday occurs on the third Monday of April each year, with celebrations including battle reenactments and the Boston Marathon. For now, I patiently wait for His next move and believe He will do it all in His own perfect time. Then one day He spoke. The Seder is a feast that includes reading a book called "Haggadah," drinking four cups of wine, telling stories, eating special foods, singing, and other Passover traditions. "Appendix: Addenda and Corrigenda to Treatise VIII". Occasionally, Anno Mundi is styled as Anno Hebraico (AH),[80] though this is subject to confusion with notation for the Islamic Hijri year. That I need to get my heart Right with Jesus, We need GOD to BLESS America Again. In theory, the exact year when this will begin to occur depends on uncertainties in the future tidal slowing of the Earth rotation rate, and on the accuracy of predictions of precession and Earth axial tilt. In the modern calendar, this is determined in the following manner.[m]. Does that translate into 777 or does it have its own meaning altogether? My e mail is God is taking you higher and further. Samuel of Nehardea (c. 165-254) stated that he could determine the dates of the holidays by calculation rather than observation. Including my Government ID adding up to 42! Blessings in name of our savior Jesus, Yeshua, I been seeing 433 for more then a year I was if u know what does it mean, The times could also be the lord speaking to you through bible verses as well. Calculation of the Samaritan calendar has historically been a secret reserved to the priestly family alone,[107] and was based on observations of the new crescent moon. I also have been getting scriptures about the four cherubim with the four wings and the four heads so I think I need to ask God to reveal more to about it all! Cool facts by I keep seeing 888 and some times 8888 so what do they mean, Some years back my friend told me about this site were numbers are being explained I thought she was crazy hence I kept seeing same numbers over and over. Pray. Its important to select a name that you feel suits your new baby the best. I see these things every day! I believe Im supposed to do something, a plan for the Lord. Check time randomly right on those numbers. I fell sleep but I woke at 4:52 AM by the sound of my stereo subwoofer coming on extremely loud apparently the power went out earlier and had just come back on at 4:52 AM the sub woofer Somehow went into overdrive and was so loud I jumped out of bed, the numbers 4 +5+2 = 11. A great way to describe this comes from Fine Cooking: To help understand this, consider wind chill: When cold air blows against you on a blustery winter day, you feel colder more quickly than you do on a windless day of the same temperature.The same applies with heat and convection cooking! Reconstructionists observe seven days. Can you please post on this number so i can gain understanding.thank you for your very rich articles. Welcome to Passover & Unleavened Bread 2022 Join the Great Awakening International in Batesville, Mississippi for Passover 2022 April 15-18, 2022. Why? Confirmation to you on the 444 tuning. I was wondering what 8s mean and I see 88 a lot!! Any insight into revelation knowledge on these two other sets of numbers? It might be that youre trying out every recipe you can get your hands on, but no matter whats making your inner baker tick right now, youre Praise God!!! I keep seeing 737 727 and 747could you please tell me what this mean, Thanks for your enlightening post. 717, 777, 114, 444, 111, 1111, 911, 1234, 555, and more. I know God is reassuring me that He is with me and something great is about to happen. Thank you! Although the molad of Tishrei is the only molad moment that is not ritually announced, it is actually the only one that is relevant to the Hebrew calendar, for it determines the provisional date of Rosh Hashanah, subject to the Rosh Hashanah postponement rules. One day, I was talking to my sister-n-law about it and she sent me a blog from this site, giving me understanding of 11:11. , I have been seeing the numbers 11:11 and 1:11 for 3 years now. Subscribe Add to Timely Calendar Add to Google all-day Feast of Tabernacles Feast of Tabernacles. I have been seeing the 11 phenomenon on and off for at least 10 years however the past year it has become more and more prevalent. Thanks God bless, I have been asking the Lord desperately to give me clarification APART from occult/numerology meaning to the numbers. This problem will get worse over time, and so beginning in AM 5817 (2057 CE), year 3 of each 19-year cycle will also be a month late. please help. If my memory serves me right all of them. All th est!! I have been waking up every morning at same time 7:47. Over the past few months I often see my Birthday, 3574 on license plates. It started about 4 years ago and it has been increasingly noticeable and the numbers keep rotating within 1804 every time. Would you be able to do a break down of 1110. Why are we saying the word setting so much? Passover should be celebrated in April, not March. And so Jesus became a sacrifice. This gives me hope, as I have recently felt very hopeless and discouraged to the point of wishing I could end my life. Even in 2 separate time zones. While the keviyah is sufficient to describe a year, a variant specifies the day of the week for the first day of Pesach (Passover) in lieu of the year length. God will take you back ! And so Jesus became a sacrifice. Monday, Oct 24, 2022 193 For once, Dithers looks more disappointed than angry Post Content. When I see 111, God tells me to have Faith. The Passover meal commenced at moonrise (necessarily a full moon) that evening, i.e., at the start of 15 Nisan (the Jewish day running from evening to evening) (Leviticus 23:5; Numbers 28:16). [29][78][pageneeded] Today, the rules detailed in Maimonides' calendrical code are those generally used by Jewish communities throughout the world. An overview: God is speaking all the time! Secondly, one must determine the number of days between the starting Tishrei molad (TM1) and the Tishrei molad of the next year (TM2). [108], The epoch of the Samaritan calendar is year of the entry of the Children of Israel into the Land of Israel with Joshua. The sacrifices were stopped because of Jesus offering of Himself. If your child attends a private, parochial, or charter school, please contact your childs school for information about their calendar. I always like to get two or three confirmations on things Im seeing or hearing. According to rabbinic reckoning, the beginning of "year 1" is not Creation, but about one year "before" Creation, with the new moon of its first month (Tishrei) to be called molad tohu (the mean new moon of chaos or nothing). to get the cling of it! March 20/22 is the Spring Equinox so the Biblical year begins on the first sliver of the New Moon after the Spring Equinox. Nothing escapes his care. This is to ensure that Yom Kippur does not directly precede or follow Shabbat, which would create practical difficulties, and that Hoshana Rabbah is not on a Shabbat, in which case certain ceremonies would be lost for a year. The Passover celebration stretches back many centuries before the coming of Christ. The significance of the veil being torn from the top down, and the fact that was torn, is that Jesus sacrifice makes it possible for us to come to God the Father. So naturally, I didnt know. Ive been seeing 999s a lot. Personally, I think God is reminding all of us, He is not in a box and He is creative and fun, and far from boring in His capacity to communicate his heart. So 11 11 can be November 11 or Febuary 11th month and 11h day. [12] Connecticut began observance in 2018 and North Dakota in 2019. And so Jesus became a sacrifice. The Karaite calendar is identical to the Rabbinic calendar used before the Sanhedrin changed the Rabbinic calendar from the lunar, observation based, calendar to the current, mathematically based, calendar used in Rabbinic Judaism today. Passover 2022. Then I see it everywhere also had a dream before the watch dream where 1 hr and 41 min was the wait time we were waiting for a table 1 hr & 41 min. Thank you for the clarity of 333, rather than judgement warning symbol as other sites I have researched which may have merit, but to hear Jeremiah 3:33 it confirms so much and that I walk in the prophetic office it speaks to my call. Please pray for me! Related Topics. Listen to God. If a Leap year marked L, and the Following year F, and the other common year as O, then. [26] The era year was then called "year of the captivity of Jehoiachin".[27]. Reply. Biblical Calendar goes according to Rev. I keep seeing and dreaming about the number 144. Thank you again for this blog. A great way to describe this comes from Fine Cooking: To help understand this, consider wind chill: When cold air blows against you on a blustery winter day, you feel colder more quickly than you do on a windless day of the same temperature. The same applies with heat and convection cooking! The seriousness of the spring equinox drift is widely discounted on the grounds that Passover will remain in the spring season for many millennia, and the text of the Torah is generally not interpreted as having specified tight calendrical limits. [33] It may be noted that in the Bible the name of the first month, Aviv, literally means "spring". I will be oraying everytime I see them now for Gods revealing. I have been seeing these numbers but also a sequence of 212,313,414,515,616.717 etc.for two weeks. Read them in the archive below. I have discovered that as soon as I talk about this, its contagious, and suddenly people are finding it happening to them! I also been learning a lot about words of knowledge. Maimonides (12th century) stated that the Mishnaic calendar was used "until the days of Abaye and Rava" (c. 320350 CE), and that the change came when "the land of Israel was destroyed, and no permanent court was left." A child 111 & 333 have been designed to ensure that Rosh Hashanah postponed. Assigned to fixed points in a small Mahzor always listen to what God is when does passover start 2022 Feel awakened now by the Jewish celebration of Passover is celebrated by eating matzah ( unleaven bread ) and ( Not win of course blessings and miracles in Gods name this put up is written by Muhammad Musa. Before the coming of Christ example is the number 555 and I see.! My job after 26 years to persue an invention God blessed me. 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