Henry Clay and running mate, "We Polked you in '44, We shall Pierce you in '52" 1852 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of, "Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Speech, Free Men, Fremont" 1856 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of, "The Union must and shall be preserved!" There were none. John T. Woolley and Gerhard Peters, The American Presidency Project [online] Santa Barbara, CA. [44] During a question and answer session with the American Society of Newspaper Editors, Nixon spoke out of turn, receiving numerous interruptions of applause. While Reagan continued to woo the conservative movement, Nixon picked off conservative leaders. Americans did, re-electing him by a landslide as America enjoyed a post-war economic boom, despite growing Cold War tensions. Millions of unique designs by independent artists. "Peace, Experience, Prosperity" Richard Nixon's slogan showing his expertise over Kennedy. "[89] Gallup showed Nixon leading Humphrey 43% to 28% at the end of September. [56] Congressman George Bush of Texas and Senator Percy were also mentioned as possible selections. Richard Nixon's presidential defeat in 1960 and gubernatorial defeat in 1962 gave him the reputation of a loser. In an America shaken by the 9/11 attacks he struck a more somber tone and pledged to build "A Safer World and a More Hopeful America.". Richard Nixon presidential campaign, 1972 Categories Categories: 1968; Politics; Richard Nixon; United States; United States presidential election, 1968; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. [95] In another lesson learned from 1960, the campaign employed 100,000 workers to oversee election day polling sites to prevent a recurrence of what many Republicans viewed as the stolen election of that year. [82][102] The final Harris poll before the election indicated that Nixon was trailing Humphrey 43% to 40%, but Gallup's final poll showed Nixon leading 42% to 40%. Reagan pitched himself as the candidate to drag America out of its economic malaise under Carter. An effective slogan will sum up a candidate's pitch to the country in a few words, and be powerful enough to cut through the endless onslaught of information in people's lives. What The New LBJ Tapes Reveal", "St. Petersburg Times - Google News Archive Search", "President Asks Texans To Support Humphrey; Nixon Revising Budget", "A 3-way debate would have been in people's interest", "Remember Nixon's Past, LBJ Admonishes Voters", "Vietnam Issue Raised Again as Campaign Winds Up", "Nixon, Humphrey give their views in four-hour telethons from California", "1968 Presidential Election - 1968 Year in Review - Audio - UPI.com", "1972: President Nixon arrives in Moscow", "The All-Volunteer Army After Twenty Years: Recruiting in the Modern Era", "Thirty Years Of America's Drug War | Drug Wars | FRONTLINE | PBS", "The Space Review: Just another Apollo? He pointed to the peace and prosperity of the Eisenhower administration and assured the voters that he would maintain American prestige, leadership, and military strength. However perhaps more famous is Frank Sinatra's special version of his song "High Hopes", which he recorded for the candidate with the new lyrics. "Experience Counts" - Richard Nixon slogan boasting the experience of the Nixon Lodge ticket. The campaign was memorable for an unprecedented series of four televised debates between the two candidates. They noted that in the other critical state of Oregon, Ronald Reagan would have an advantage due to the proximity of his home state. [83] In a visit to Chicago shortly after the Democratic convention, Nixon received a large welcome and ticker tape parade, with crowds estimated at several hundred thousand. ", Donald Trump then a brash Manhattan businessman at the start of his career would 36 years later knock one word off the slogan to arrive at 2016's "Make America Great Again.". [5] In 1952, he was selected by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Republican nominee for president, as his vice presidential nominee. In the general election, Nixon emphasized "law and order", positioning himself as the champion of what he called the "silent majority". While the campaign's official slogan was "I'm Just Wild About Harry" a reference to the lyrics of a popular 1921 song another more famed slogan associated with the 33rd president is "The Buck Stops Here," which Truman had written on a sign he kept on his desk. "Nixon Now" - Richard M. Nixon, 1972 (also, "Nixon Now, More than Ever") "Come home, America" - George McGovern , 1972 [18] "Acid, Amnesty, and Abortion for All" - 1972 anti-Democratic Party slogan, from a statement made to reporter Bob Novak by Missouri Senator Thomas F. Eagleton (as related in Novak's 2007 memoir, Prince of Darkness ) ", Four years later Obama pledged to build on the progress of his first term under another one-word slogan: "Forward. Here, Business Insider surveys some of the winning slogans of the last 60 years, from Dwight E. Eisenhower's "I Like Ike," to the Barack Obama's "Change You can Believe In. Fair or not, the campaign turned on the bitter legacy of Richard Nixon. About the campaign for governor of California ran by future President Richard M. Nixon, his loss and famous words. Even observers speculated as to the President's possible favoring Nixon to Humphrey. He went on to trounce Republican Thomas E. Dewey in the election. "[78] He then traveled to Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania before returning to New York, meeting with Governor Rockefeller. Author and professor Robert Mann discusses the campaign ads that were shown and used in the 1968 presidential election for candidates Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey. Nixon was the 37th president of the United States and served from 1969 to 1974.. [35] At the end of March, Rockefeller announced that he would not campaign for the presidency, but would be open to being drafted. "Everyone is voting for Jack /'Cause he's got what all the rest lack/Everyone wants to back Jack," crooned Sinatra, a friend of the president and member of his glamorous "Camelot" inner circle. A Harris poll showed that he trailed the president 43% to 48%. I don't promise that we can eradicate poverty and end discrimination in the space of four or even eight years. Americans did, re-electing him by a landslide as America enjoyed a post-war economic boom, despite growing Cold War tensions. Study Guides. By the end of his address, he promised that "the long dark night for America is about to end. "[36] Reports suggested that the decision caused "Nixon's political stock [to] skyrocket. Richard Nixon is that man. "[33] As talks of other candidates persisted, Nixon continued with campaigning and discussion of the issues. Forward." In 1968, however, as TV news depicted grim images of war and violence, this slogan assured voters that they could turn to Nixon as a capable and trustworthy leader. [47] New Harris polls found that Rockefeller fared better against Democratic candidates than Nixon,[48] but the outlook started to appear better for Nixon after he won the Indiana primary over Rockefeller. He did not connect crime to racial rioting, drawing praise from Civil Rights leaders. Skip to Content Menu Tickets Membership Support Make an Impact Shop Careers With the advent of mass communications after World War II, slogans became a vital way of distinguishing candidates jostling for attention on the airwaves. [22], In October, political experts predicted that Nixon would gain delegates in the important states of New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Nebraska during the primary season, scheduled to begin in March 1968. , "Reduce the tariff on necessaries of life." In hindsight, the magnitude of Richard Nixon's reelection victory in 1972the largest Republican landslide of the Cold Warleads some to ask why the President ever got involved in the Watergate cover-up. Las mejores ofertas para (6) Botones de pasador de campaa Richard Nixon Agnew jugate poltico estn en eBay Compara precios y caractersticas de productos nuevos y usados Muchos artculos con envo gratis! George W. Bush clinched a narrow victory over Vice President Al Gore in 2000, echoing his father's 1988 campaign with his "Compassionate Conservatism" slogan. his supporters chanted as he swept to victory in a movement built on a message of youth, inclusion and optimism. 1928 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of, "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage" Commonly cited version of a claim asserted in a Republican Party flier on behalf of the 1928 U.S. presidential campaign of, "All for 'Al' and 'Al' for All." Amid the Vietnam War, riots on the streets, and the counterculture, Richard Nixon appealed to the fears of what he termed the "Silent Majority," disturbed by the changes sweeping America. Winning a close election on November 5, 1968, Nixon and Agnew were inaugurated as the 37th president of the United States and 39th vice president of the United States, respectively, on January 20, 1969. "Rum, Romanism and Rebellion" Republican attack because of supposed Democratic support for consuming alcoholic beverages, "Burn this letter!" [116] In 1972, he was reelected by a landslide, the largest to that date. [101] In response, Nixon had employed operative Anna Chennault to tell the South Vietnamese that they could receive a better deal under Nixon. [11] At this time he quietly began efforts to organize in Indiana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oregon, and Wisconsin, positioning to secure victories in those states' primaries the following year. All individuals are members or supporters of the Republican Party, unless otherwise stated. The slogan has become a flashpoint in an America divided by Trump's policies, with some supporters sporting clothing emblazoned with MAGA slogans confronted in public by opponents of Trump. But it was enough to earn him a second term in a landslide victory, as America stood as the world's only superpower at the end of the 20th century. The position was soon temporarily filled by former Governor Henry Bellmon of Oklahoma. Double entendres everywhere! After Kennedy's assassination, Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson was sworn into office. [73] It was later noted that the convention had featured Nixon as the centrist candidate with Rockefeller to his left and Reagan to his right. Nixon's victory came with a margin of less than three percent in California, Illinois, and Ohio; had Humphrey carried those three, Nixon would have lost the election. [94] It was also argued that Nixon opposition to debating was due to his experience during the 1960 encounter with John F. Kennedy, which many cited as a factor in his defeat. The items are unusual and seldom seen, such as the Richard Nixon showerhead where water sprays from his mouth and a Teddy Roosevelt beer tray, Mihaly said. Description. Richard M. Nixon. The 1968 presidential campaign of Richard Nixon, the 36th vice president of the United States, began when Nixon, the Republican nominee of 1960, formally announced his candidacy, following a year's preparation and five years' political reorganization after defeats in the 1960 presidential election and the 1962 California gubernatorial election. Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, Scroll left to right to view a selection of exhibits, Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity, A Rough Guide to Richard Nixon's Conspiracy Theories, The Pentagon Papers: The view from the Oval Office. The White House initially learned of the Nixon machinations via a New York business contact and confirmed them via eavesdropping on the South Vietnamese embassy in Washington and South Vietnamese President Thieus office in Saigon. The same analysis applied to the general campaign, as commentators noted that Nixon would stand to the right of the still undecided Democratic nominee but would fall to the left of American Independent Party candidate George Wallace. Ford's campaign slogan "He's Making Us Proud Again" was an awkward acknowledgment of Nixon's corruption, and a reminder that Ford had pardoned him. Washington, D.C [1] Slogan. 1726 Pennsylvania Ave., NW. It was going to be a Republican year anyway, with Vietnam and urban unrest dominating political debate, but Johnson's attack helped make it Nixon's year as well. Nixon edged Humphrey in the popular vote by a margin of 43.42% to 42.72%, with Wallace gaining 13.53%. His campaign generated slogans for supporters to turn into shareable content, which was eventually boiled down to a one-word message: "Change. [34] Nixon easily won the New Hampshire primary on March 12, pulling in 80% of the vote with a write-in campaign, while Rockefeller received 11%. Referring to Brooke as "one of my top advisers," he accompanied campaign stops in Chicago and San Francisco, a move critics described as an attempt to further gain favor within the African American community. "[88] By month's end, many in the Nixon campaign believed his election was guaranteed, beginning to prepare for the transition period, despite Nixon's warning that "the one thing that can beat us now is overconfidence. 1) He believes in creating even greater opportunities for the individual in a free enterprise system. And, learning from the social media savvy of Obama's campaign, the slogan is reduced to "MAGA," for use as a social media hashtag by the president and his supporters. These programs showed Nixon at his best, answering questions posed by ordinary Americans, and shielded him from questions by reporters, who sometimes brought out his worst. "Tell the Truth!" At the convention, Richard Nixon won the nomination for president on the first ballot with 692 delegates. And, learning from the social media savvy of Obama's campaign, the slogan is reduced to "MAGA," for use as a social media hashtag by the president and his supporters. To the Soviet people. To all the people of the world. The exhibition was showcasing American art, fashion, cars, model homes,. Wallace's third party candidacy stole votes from both of the major parties, but hurt the Democrats more; many Southern Democrats defected and Nixon was able to win some Southern electoral votes. ", Four years later Obama pledged to build on the progress of his first term under another one-word slogan: "Forward. , "Vote for Taft now, you can vote for Bryan any time" , "It is nothing but fair to leave Taft in the chair" , "Vote for 8 Hour Wilson" Woodrow Wilson, "The man of the eight-hour day" Woodrow Wilson, "He proved the pen mightier than the sword." "I like Ike," is one of the most celebrated political slogans in US history. Nixon pressed his advantages. [72] In those Gallup polls following the convention, Nixon led Humphrey 45% to 29% and topped McCarthy 42% to 37%. The Vietnam War had split the Democratic party. Times Internet Limited. But Reagan had never held public office and had to run for governor of California before he could be a credible presidential candidate. [84], Before his visit, he called upon Senator Edward Brooke of Massachusetts, the highest ranking African American in U.S. government, to campaign with him on trips to Illinois and California. Remember his campaign slogan: "Nixon's the one!" In the 1968 election campaign, Nixon's opponents - or maybe it was Rolling Stone magazine . Nixon doubted the prospect of a draft, stating that it would only be likely if "I make some rather serious mistake. "[36] Polling by Gallup at this time revealed that Nixon led President Johnson 41% to 39% in a three-way race with American Independent Party candidate and former Governor George Wallace of Alabama. Following the election, the slogan "Bring Us Together", referencing a poster held by a 13-year-old girl at a rally during his campaign, was used as a basis for the theme of his inauguration, although it would later be seized by Democrats to attack later Nixon policies. George HW Bush successfully campaigned to keep the Republicans in the White House in 1988, with the slogan of a "Kinder, Gentler Nation," promising to soften the hard edges of Reagan's conservatism. . Democrat John F. Kennedy is 1960 opted for the aspirational "A Time for Greatness" slogan in his winning 1960 bid for the presidency. [55] As he edged closer to the nomination, discussions about his running mate arose. [20][76] The campaign also continued to use televised town hall segments throughout the campaign, which aired live, featuring real voters who were instructed to ask tough questions, following the campaign's belief that Nixon would respond well to such questions. Two days later, his campaign manager, Gaylord Parkinson, left his position to care for his ailing wife. And he is the man who, after the greatest campaign in history, will be Mr. PresidentBarry Goldwater." [97] At this time, the campaign released two controversial television advertisements, juxtaposing a smiling Humphrey with images of the Vietnam War and the chaos at the 1968 Democratic National Convention; the advertisements aroused protests from the Humphrey campaign. Amid the Vietnam War, riots on the streets, and the counterculture, Richard Nixon appealed to the fears of what he termed the "Silent Majority," disturbed by the changes sweeping America. [98] By October's end, Nixon began to lose his edge over Humphrey; Gallup showing he led 44% to 36%, down five points from a few weeks earlier, a decline observers attributed to Nixon's refusal of a debate with Humphrey. During that time, he joined a prestigious law firm in New York City, became financially well off, and argued a case before the U.S. Supreme Court. Richard Nixon. [29] He campaigned in the state, although polls suggested that he would easily win its primary. Richard Nixon. List What exactly was Watergate? [33] The Nixon campaign countered this claim stating that Romney's withdrawal was a "TKO"[33] at the hands of Nixon. Theme: Political. Political slogans are often derided but if you want to be President of the United States, you'd better have a good one. Only 43 percent of voters supported Nixon, hardly a mandate. Out of the wreckage of Goldwater's candidacy rose a charismatic conservative star, Ronald Wilson Reagan. [3], Nixon was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1946, representing California's 12th congressional district from 1947 until his election to the Senate in 1950. The winning slogan from every US presidential campaign since 1948, Frank Sinatra's special version of his song, the slogan "It's Morning Again in America, Vivo V27 Pro Review: Capable camera performance in a sleek form factor, A woman threw a house party with 65 men she matched with on Tinder and Hinge and connected with the man she's now been dating for a year, Amazon will halt construction of its planned $2.5 billion Virginia headquarters, the company doubles down on cost-cutting, 'Let's get real': scientists discover a new way climate change threatens cold-blooded animals, IISc researchers show chemically-modified nanosheets are effective for biomedical applications, SC extends stay on order quashing write-off of Yes Bank's AT1 bonds. Nonetheless, Nixon staffers believed that if such a scenario occurred, liberal Rockefeller delegates in the Northeast would support Nixon to prevent a Reagan nomination. [15], During the spring and summer, Nixon traveled to Eastern Europe[16] and Latin America[17] to bolster his foreign policy credentials. And we work toward the goal of an open world, open sky, open cities, open hearts, open minds. Richard Nixon had a family dog named Checkers, pictured here Credit: Getty - Contributor Who was Richard Nixon? He was born in a small town in Southern California and . A Better Man. [113] Domestically, his administration generally embraced policies that transferred power from Washington to the states. [90], In early October commentators weighed Nixon's advantage, arguing that his placing of blame for the Vietnam War strictly on the Johnson administration, avoiding discussion of war with the excuse that he did not want to disrupt the peace talks in Paris, was shrewd and exploited his campaigning advantage, but was "deceptive". [86] At this time Nixon sent his adviser, former Governor William Scranton of Pennsylvania, on a fact-finding trip to Europe to gather intelligence on Western alliance and Soviet issues. After narrowly losing the vice presidential nomination in 1956, Senator John F. Kennedy sought the presidency in 1960. Republican Ronald Reagan's slogan from his winning 1980 presidential campaign may seem familiar: "Let's Make America Great Again. Remarks at a Reception Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the League of Women Voters of the United States . [5] At the end of Eisenhower's second term in 1960, Nixon ran unopposed for the Republican nomination, which he received. Nixon started the general election campaign with a double-digit lead over Humphrey, even in the face of a serious third-party challenge from candidate George Wallace. 1960: For the future 1968: Nixon's the One. "I like Ike," is one of the most celebrated political slogans in US history. Cleveland supporters' attack on Blaine's supposed corruption, quoting a line from. "Change We Need." The important thing is that we maintain plausible deniability. He spent six years shaking it before he could win the 1968 Republican presidential nomination. At the candidate, and the phrase was adopted as the slogan of the plain-speaking former general's supporters. And Nixon's decision to bomb North Vietnam and mine Haiphong Harbor to stop a Communist offensive proved highly popular. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. [62] At this time, Nixon decided with a group of legislators that "crime and disorder" would be presented as the number one issue in the nation. Elected together with Eisenhower, he served as vice president during the height of the Cold War. Who was president before Nixon? He selected Thomas Eagleton as his running mate, only to learn later that the senator from Missouri had undergone treatment for mental illness. [96] Nixon went on a whistle-stop train tour of Ohio near the end of October. Important, Plausible, Important Things. Marking himself as a champion of the American Dream, he stressed greater unity, invoking the silent majority. [70] Nixon also discussed economics, articulating his opposition to social welfare, advocating programs designed to help African Americans start their own small businesses. ", But it was the unofficial slogan, initially first used by Clinton's advisers, that caught the imagination: "It's the economy, stupid.". Material: Paper. [18] The next week, five staff members were fired after private investigators determined that information had been leaked to the campaigns of potential primary rivals Governors Rockefeller and Reagan. "The Republicans' orderly, well run convention was a sharp contrast to their opponents' tumultuous gathering in Chicago. The tapes were sent to the swing states of Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio, giving Nixon the advantage of advertising long before the Democratic Party settled on a candidate. his supporters chanted as he swept to victory in a movement built on a message of youth, inclusion and optimism. The tactic for choosing Eisenhower's 1956 re-election campaign slogan was to stick with what works: "I still Like Ike.". Economic power is not the same as strength of national character. Nixon. Last edited on 14 February 2023, at 18:57, 1968 Republican Party presidential primaries, 1968 Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection, Hubert Humphrey 1968 presidential campaign, "The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 1968 - The First Civil Right", "Biden Had To Fight For The Presidential Nomination. Richard M. Nixon was a three-time Republican Party presidential nominee. Nixon was the first vice president since Martin Van Buren in 1836 to be elected president without first having succeeded to that office through the death of his predecessor, and the first non-incumbent vice president to be elected president. [5], Nixon ran for Governor of California against incumbent Pat Brown, and was defeated handily, leading the media to label him as a "loser". "All the way with LBJ" 1964 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of, "In Your Heart, You Know He's Right" 1964 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of, "In Your Guts, You Know He's Nuts" 1964 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of, "The Stakes Are Too High For You To Stay Home" - 1964 U.S. campaign slogan of, "Some People Talk Change, Others Cause It" , "This time, vote like your whole world depended on it" 1968 slogan of, "Nixon's the One" Richard M. Nixon, 1968, "Acid, Amnesty, and Abortion for All" 1972 anti-Democratic Party slogan, from a statement made to reporter, "Dick Nixon Before He Dicks You" Popular anti-Nixon slogan, 1972, "They can't lick our Dick" Popular campaign slogan for Nixon supporters, "Don't change Dicks in the midst of a screw, vote for Nixon in '72" Popular campaign slogan for Nixon supporters, "Unbought and Unbossed" official campaign slogan for, "A Leader, for a Change" (also "Leaders, for a Change") Jimmy Carter, "Peaches And Cream" Jimmy Carter (from, "Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?" After hard-fought primary victories, JFK won his party's nomination and faced-off against sitting Vice President Richard Nixon. On November 5, it was a three-way race between Nixon, Humphrey, and Wallace. Outside the convention hall, Chicago police clashed with demonstrators, igniting riots. The 1968 presidential campaign of Richard Nixon, the 36th vice president of the United States, began when Nixon, the Republican nominee of 1960, formally announced his candidacy, following a year's preparation and five years' political reorganization after defeats in the 1960 presidential election and the 1962 California gubernatorial election . "People Fighting Back", and "We'll fight back" , "Live Free" Gary Johnson campaign slogan, "A Green New Deal for America" Official slogan of the, "Courageous Conservatives" and "Reigniting the Promise of America" used by, "Kasich For America" or "Kasich For US" used by, "Jeb! WASHINGTON, Nov. 27 (AP) -- The theme of President-elect Richard M. Nixon's inauguration is being changed from "Bring Us Together" -- the slogan he adopted after seeing it on a sign at a campaign . Hurrah! [107][108] After the election was conceded by Vice President Humphrey, Nixon said the following in his press conference: As you will probably have heard, I have received a very gracious message from the Vice President, congratulating me for winning the election. Publicly, Nixon supported the bombing halt and the negotiations; privately, however, his campaign urged South Vietnam's government to refuse to take part in the talks. A good presidential campaign slogan is memorable, meaningful, and appealing, according to Andrew Tejerina, marketer at Big Human, . ", "Jeb can fix it," and "All in for Jeb" used by, "Defeat the Washington Machine. These victories, along with pledged delegate support from states not holding primaries, secured Nixon the nomination on the first ballot of the Republican National Convention, where he named Governor Spiro Agnew of Maryland as his running mate. His hard work paid off. Running well ahead of his opponent, incumbent Vice President Hubert Humphrey, his support slipped in the polls following his refusal to partake in presidential debates, and following an announcement from President Lyndon B. Johnson that a halt in the bombing of Vietnam had been negotiated. There are also other phrases that are not strictly campaign slogans, but describe a policy or set of programs proposed . Political commentators speculated that the vacancy built "an element of instability" for the campaign. One of the more humorous, unofficial, historic campaign slogans was "They Can't Lick Our Dick," which was used on at least four different campaign buttons for Richard Nixon. Nixon, a relentless anti-Communist in the 1950s, a losing presidential candidate in 1960 and a man whom Lyndon B. Johnson had recently dismissed as a "chronic campaigner," had reemerged as a. to make changes to the election system. They analyzed video of Nixon, determining that he was at his best when speaking spontaneously. [81] The President made it clear to Nixon that he did not want the war to be politicized, to which Nixon agreed, although questioning Humphrey's eventual compliance. end the war in Vietnam. "[45], On the last day of April, Rockefeller announced that he would campaign for the presidency, despite his previous statement to the contrary. But in. Frank Sinatra's special version of his song, the slogan "It's Morning Again in America. It was used by former Allied Supreme Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower nicknamed "Ike" in his successful 1952 presidential campaign. However perhaps more famous is Frank Sinatra's special version of his song "High Hopes", which he recorded for the candidate with the new lyrics. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. He lost a close race to Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts, which many credited in part to his unhealthy appearance during the first televised debate. ", It was back to the future for Donald Trump when he dusted off a slogan used not just by Reagan, but also by the anti-immigration Populist Warren G Harding in 1920: "Make America Great Again.". [66] Sources within Washington reported that Reagan caused greater concern for the Nixon campaign than Rockefeller. [9], On January 7, 1967, Nixon held a secret meeting with his closest advisers to discuss a potential campaign, brainstorming strategies to obtain sufficient delegates to win the Republican nomination. [49] After that victory, Nixon campaigned in Nebraska where he criticized the three leading Democratic candidates as "three peas in a pod, prisoners of the policies of the past. He then dropped him from the ticket. A series of advertisements featuring question and answer sessions with Nixon and friends of campaign staffers were filmed in New York.