No disconnect if termination will adversely affect the occupant's health; must be certified by licensed physician or Christian Science practitioner. If you do not remember your login credentials, please click here. AEP Texas Central service area Date: 03/01/2023 . We welcome your ideas and feedback. Disconnection is delayed if detrimental to existing medical condition, written certification to utility can be renewed every 180 days as needed. This applies to both regulated and non-regulated energy vendors. Utility company not required to negotiate a payment plan more than once due to significant change in financial circumstances. Cannot disconnect if a customer owes less than $50, provided that this exception may not be used for more than two billing cycles in one calendar year. Gas and electric service cannot be disconnected if forecast predicts a temperature of 32 or lower during the next 24 hours. New Jersey Legislature - P.L.2002, c.62. Those who notify their gas and electric utility that they are applying for LIHEAP certification through the local CAP agency may receive a 30 day stay from service disconnection during the moratorium. No disconnect if customer agrees to deferred or extended payment agreement. Disconnection is prohibited if customer agrees and adheres to a monthly payment during the winter period. Choose an option below: AEP Energy is a competitive retail energy provider for over half a million customers. Consumer line: 800-342-3355 (disconnect); 800-342-3377 (general complaint). Consumer line: 800-524-0795 or 217-782-2024 (outside Illinois). You're in the right place. Due date for utility bills extended to 22 days. AEP offers winter heating assistance - Times Gazette I work for AEP as a sole proprietor - 1 man operation at the Dresden Ohio plant. Summer termination procedures: When National Weather Service issues a heat warning for any parish in the utility's service territory, or when such a warning has been issued on any one of the preceding two calendar days. No disconnect if customer agrees and adheres to payment plan. Disconnection is prohibited if customer agrees and adheres to a payment plan. No termination of utility service between protection dates for customers at or below 250% of the Federal poverty level (150% of the Federal poverty level for customers of one specific municipal gas utility). marilyn mulvey opera singer; hidden cosmetics owner; pre insulated pex pipe Were reintroducing our website with you in mind. Must allow customers to pay balance over next 6 months after winter moratorium. Request a letter Customers who utilize the Winter Reconnect Order must enter into an extended payment plan on their remaining balance. Customers may utilize the winter reconnect order one time from mid October through mid April. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of the AEP Terms and Conditions. (Subsidiary of American Electric Power Company, Inc.) Appalachian Power Co.s (APCo) ratings reflect the companys integrated electric utility asset base and credit supportive regulatory environment in Virginia, along with the somewhat restrictive environment in West Virginia. New, continuing, or reconnection of service shall be provided if the customer enters into a written deferred payment plan to pay all past-due amounts. Certificate can be given by telephone by doctor, nurse, R.N., or public or private agency providing mental health care services, but must be confirmed within 7 days by a physician's writing. If the customer's service has already been disconnected, the customer must pay a reconnect fee of no more than $36 to restore. Need to turn off electricity at an address and close your account? Customers called to full-time active military service during a time of declared national or state emergency or war, may apply for shut-off protection for up to 90 days and may request extensions of this protection by reapplying. Disconnection is prohibited for Percentage of Income Plan (PIP) customers as long as they remain current with their PIP payment. Prohibits disconnect if customer is blind, disabled, or 62 years or older and the remaining household members are 62 years or older, 18 years or under, or blind or disabled unless the utility contacts the household 72 hours prior to termination of service for the purpose of devising a pay plan. Total ban when <32. Certification of licensed doctor or health practitioner is required. Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission (. During the moratoria, customers must enter into negotiated payment plan, pay 1/12 of arrearage, 1/12 of current bill and disconnection, reconnection and deposit if applicable and apply for energy assistance funds. PUC approval is needed to shut-off elderly 65 or older. Cannot disconnect any day when the temperature at 8 a.m. is below 32 F or if freezing temperatures are forcast for the next 24 hours for customers receiving public assistance or if household member is age 62 or older or disabled. Do not Sell or Share My Info, Year-end 2022 GAAP earnings of $4.51 per share; operating earnings of $5.09 per share, Company advances strategic initiatives including sales agreement for contracted renewables, new FERC 203 filing for Kentucky sale and continued strategic review of retail business, 2023 operating earnings (non-GAAP) guidance range reaffirmed at $5.19 to $5.39 per share with long-term growth rate of 6% to 7%. Households that do not honor the payment arrangements will be subject to disconnect once the temperature is above 32 degrees or beginning in April, whichever comes first. No disconnect if illness would be aggravated, need statement from doctor. Your security code is a short word or phrase you set up with our customer service associates to provide extra protection for your online account. In general, municipal utilities and rural electric cooperatives are not regulated and the policies do not apply to them. Must allow customers to pay balance over next 6 months after winter moratorium. 1996-2023 American Electric Power. Disconnection will be delayed if detrimental to the health of a resident, must have physician certification. 32 F or below (daytime), 20 F or below (night), or heat index 101 F or higher. No disconnect if temperatures are 32 F or below during the day, 20 F or below at night or if the predicted heat index is 101 F or greater. Table of Contents show What Is AEP Central? Three utilities. Disconnection is prohibited for Percentage of Income Plan (PIP) customers as long as they remain current with their PIP payment. Consumer line: 701-328-4082, 877-245-6685. Consumer line: 302-736-7500 or 800-282-8574. AL | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | DC | FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | | KY | LA | ME | MD | MA MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC | | ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY. Must have a termination notice and have been refused utility service; appliied for HEAT and Red Cross energy assistance and make a good faith effort to pay utility bill on a consistent basis during moratorium. Modify or upgrade service Reposition service equipment Move to new location Request a Letter of Credit If you need a credit reference, we can send one based on your history with us. Prohibits disconnect if household has life support system; 30 day delay for certified medical condition, certificates may be renewed for 30 days or longer if a chronic condition exists. No disconnect (Nov-March) if customers agrees to payment plan. Utilities are required to offer a payment plan. Delay disconnection for 20 days if the action would adversely affect the health of a household member. 1 ago. No disconnect for elderly or disabled when temperature is >95, or medical emergency. To qualify, residential customers must inform the utility of their inability to pay prior to disconnection and must agree to an extended payment plan. Delay disconnect for 30 days with medical certification. Customer must enter into a payment plan.Cannot disconnect unless the customer owes more than $50 or more than three months of charges. Consumer line: 404-656-4501or 800-282-5813. Prohibits disconnect if customer is blind, disabled, or 62 years or older and the remaining household members are 62 years or older, 18 years or under, or blind or disabled unless the utility contacts the household 72 hours prior to termination of service for the purpose of devising a pay plan. If a household member has a serious medical condition, certified by a doctor, disconnection is delayed for 30 additional days. Customer must negotiate a payment plan to maintain service after delay. Heist said he . Moving to your next home can be exciting and stressful at the same. AEP will restore power in the following order: 1st - Hospitals, Police, Fire Services 2nd - Main lines/circuits 3rd - Branch lines 4th - Lines to individual customers. Temporary Service - AEP Grants have been made to nonprofit organizations across the AEP service area. Privacy Policy | Consumer line: 888-570-9905, 307-777-7427. Consumer line: 800-225-7729, 608-266-2001 (Madison). 30 day delay, with renewals up to 90 days, if physician certifies that disconnect would adversely affect the health of a household member. Consumer line: 888-782-8477 (electric) 512-936-7120 (Austin electric); 515-463-7164 (gas). 32 F or below or during heat advisory for all residential customers. Cannot disconnect unless a bill is at least 45 days overdue and proper notification has been sent. Consumer line: 208-334-0300 or 800-432-0369. Utilities are prohibited from terminating service to low-income households where occupants present certification that a household member is seriously ill or is an infant under 12 months of age. If an excessive heat warning or a freeze warning has been issued by the National Weather Service for the county of the scheduled disconnect, such disconnects are suspended. Prohibited for customers receiving public assistance or if household member is age 62 or older or disabled. 30 day disconnect delay if household member's health would be adversely affected, physician certificate can be renewed twice. Sitemap 30 day disconnect delay if physician, public health official or social service official certifies that a household member's health would be adversely affected. At AEP, we hire bright, enthusiastic people with diverse skills, talents, and ideas to serve our more than five million customers across 11 states. 3040 Continental Dr. Customers may negotiate a payment plan with the company for reconnection during the months of November through March if they are "income qualified" for certain public assistance programs and if they secure and present an official "Certificate of Need" from the state social services office. You're in the right place. Consumer line: 410-767-8000 (Baltimore) or 800-492-0474. Temperature-based restrictions if unable to pay and has exhausted available assistance or is actively seeking assistance, or can pay, but only in installments. No disconnect for seriously ill, disabled. American Electric Power has named Michelle Marsh vice president, Safety and Health, effective March 4. Customers may negotiate a payment plan with the company for reconnection during the months of November through March if they are "income qualified" for certain public assistance programs and if they secure and present an official "Certificate of Need" from the state social services office. If fraud, misuse or failure to make monthly payments occur, the utility can suspend the customer's service until all bills are paid in full. No utility shall terminate or refuse to restore service if health of household member would be adversely affected, need medical certificate. salesforce sandbox url format. AL | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | DC | FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | | KY | LA | ME | MD | MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC | | ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY. Generally, these rules mainly apply where the weather gets very cold and may come with restrictions on who can and cannot be disconnected. No disconnect if customers enters into a deferred payment plan. No disconnect (Nov-March) if customers agrees to payment plan. 4-6101; 702-486-2600 (Vegas); 775-684-6100 (Reno). Delay disconnection for 30 days if detrimental to health of a household member, certified by a health professional. Investor-owned utilities have agreed not to disconnect customers during the moratorium if they are not current on their bills. A medical certificate will prevent disconnection up to 6 months for non-chronic condition, up to 12 months for chronic condition and requires the customer to set up a payment plan. We know our customers are concerned about their families and. The notice must include the intended . Disconnection is delayed 60 days with certification of medical emergency, may be renewed every 60 days as necessary. Disconnect ban if customer declares inability to pay and income is <50% state median income and agrees to payment plan or if eligible customer pays 10% of income or the full amount of current bill (whichever is less) or if customer agrees and adheres to payment plan. If households make the required payment, the remainder of their bill is deferred until April, after which they have seven months to pay off the balance. Xcel Energy will not shut off a customer 55 or older that lives alone during the winter months and offers 12-month protection for customers who are on ventilators. The low temperature threshold does not apply if an energy utility offers a Commission-approved winter protection program. Youre in the right place. Prohibited from disconnect if customer agrees and adheres to payment plan. A medical certificate will prevent disconnection up to 6 months for non-chronic condition, up to 12 months for chronic condition and requires the customer to set up a payment plan. Our Regulated Companies Maintaining the nations largest electricity transmission system and more than 223,000 miles of distribution lines, we deliver safe, reliable power to customers in Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia. A customer who agrees to a levelized billing plan will not be disconnected after April 1st. Between Nov 1-April 15, all customers must be notified 72 hours before disconnection to acertain if the health and safety of a resident will be compromised. An automated message, claiming to be from AEP, told him his service would be disconnected and he would lose power in the next 30 minutes, unless he acted immediately, by pressing 1. No disconnect for elderly or disabled when temperature is >95, or medical emergency. Start, Stop or Transfer Your Service START, STOP, OR TRANSFER SERVICE Start service Before you start, make sure you're not a current customer. Total ban between November 15 and March 15 when the forecasted low temperature for a 24 hour period beginning at 8:00 A.M. on the date of the proposed disconnection is below 32 degrees. Were putting our energy to work to make the future brighter and boundless for us all. No disconnect if customer agrees and adheres to payment, Consumer line: 800-382-4586 (Connecticut), 860-827-2622 (outside Connecticut). Disconnection of heat and utilities service is not allowed unless arrears are more than $125 for gas non- heating, $225 for electric non-heating and more than $450 for gas, electric and steam heating. Consumer line: 501-682-1718 or 800-482-1164. Households with income less than 150% of federal poverty guidelines must be enrolled in a payment plan. Consumer line: 617-737-2836 or 877-886-5066. We temporarily stopped all service disconnections for non-payment in March 2020, but disconnections for non-payment have resumed for all customers in West Virginia and Tennessee, and for non-residential customers in Virginia. The General Assembly is continuing a ban on service disconnections for the most vulnerable Dominion Energy customers through March 1, 2022. Certification of licensed doctor or health practitioner is required. No utility shall terminate or refuse to restore service if health of household member would be adversely affected, need medical certificate. 32 F or below (daytime), 20 F or below (night), or heat index 101 F or higher. AEP expects to net approximately $1.45 billion in cash after taxes and transaction fees. Utilities are required to offer a deferred payment plan. Customer must negotiate a payment plan to maintain service after delay.